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This was the only polite small talk Evelyn actually craved; desperate for answers.

"So." Her voice was steady, demure, her hair curled in a bun upon the top of her head, no makeup resting on her pale skin. The dark under eyes that had been plaguing Evelyn's skin for the past two days had been disappearing - thanks to a good night's rest without Adyn's interruptions.

"Prince Alston, tell me about yourself. Your interests, your dislikes, your... friends and family."

The princess was certain her dark under eyes would have been completely gone if she hadn't been tossing and turning the whole night long; Adyn's words ringing in her mind hauntingly. How could he look exactly like the man in front of her - right down to the same blonde cowlick and dark beauty mark resting on his chin - but not be the same? It seemed impossible, so Evelyn was determined to unwrap the mystery.

Was it a mere coincidence?

Rynia didn't think so, believing a more devious option - such as; disguising your appearance through magic - as she clearly stated when Evelyn told her all that aspired the night before. The fair beauty didn't want to involve her sister, as Rynia was, for the lack of better terms, still sick or hungover and sleeping it off. She was absent from breakfast today, a fact that made Evelyn's skin crawl and a scream bubble up in her throat. She had also expressed worry at Adyn's warning, believing not all of it to be idiotic, humorous lies.

Evelyn wasn't convinced.

"Ahh," Prince Altson waved his hand airly. "Hunting, riding, jousting, trekking, polo, fighting - you know, princely stuff is what I enjoy."

Evelyn felt her back stiffen at Princely. Was he implying that only men were able to enjoy hunting, riding, jousting, trekking, polo, or fighting? That was like her stating that only women were able to dress up in gowns or dance at balls.

"I hate idiotic people who think they're above me when they are simply bugs under my feet. I hate my subjects telling me when and how to use my hard-earned wealth. And as for my family... well, they are all gone. Really, don't feel bad; I'm quite happy about the fact. Being King is so much better than being a mere Prince."

The princess had to dig her sharp, coffin-shaped turquoise nails into her palm to stop the abundance of curse words trying to break free from her mouth. He was a pompous, self-entitled, and self-absorbed Prince - like most others. She shifted in her cushioned loveseat, finding the pleasant smile on her face becoming harder to maintain.

It became much more difficult when the smell of tequila and Bulberry Wine drifted near her; clearly coming from the spineless, pompous, ignorant brat she was forced to entertain. If close enough, one could smell the thick stench of beer floating from the Prince's open mouth, and see his glazed eyes and tipsy movements. Evelyn's nose wrinkled, shifting away from the man.

He was intoxicated.

At breakfast. With the woman whose hand he was trying to win.

Normally the princess would have left, her skirts ruffling around her and her head held high in a way that clearly showcased her dislike and distaste. Now though... a tipsy and intoxicated Prince Alston was exactly the kind of man that would slip up, give her information she wouldn't otherwise obtain.

It was time to find out the truth about who Adyn was, and what Alston's connection to Evelyn's attempted assassin was.

"You know..." Evelyn trailed off, seductively tracing her finger in a heart on his cold arm. She tucked her hand out of sight; knowing from most angles, there would be nothing amiss. Doing so fed the princess's disgust, but she forced her irritation down as Alston quietly hooted - clearly enjoying the attention. "I met a man that looked just like you a few weeks ago. It's a shame really, I didn't get his name but I could swear he and you were identical. Although, that's preposterous. Your entire family died in the war against the witches - I send my regards, may they Rest In Peace - but... I'm simply stumped; it's been weighing on my mind. Do you have any relations?"

A Bushel of Lies - A Snow White SagaWhere stories live. Discover now