09 | NINE

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The chair was too soft, the feeling of the silk fabric against the Huntsman's backside too fine. He had never been used to luxury or enjoyed the frivolous things in life beforehand and now, after so many years of skirting riches, he was uncomfortable emerged in it.

The tassels of the chair he was resting on were gold, and the Huntsman had to resist the urge to pluck a piece off - knowing it could fund his children's dreams for decades to come.

A man, one with a balding head and an arrogant expression on his face slid into the room; his footsteps so silent, even the Huntsman couldn't hear them. "Right this way." His words were laced with an accent - one so strong the Huntsman's brow furrowed in confusion - before he stood. Wordless, the huntsman followed the man towards large double doors.

He already knew what he was going to see as soon as he stepped in, but even he flinched; feeling the Evil Queen's hostile aura. He knew the rumors - he knew she was perhaps the most dangerous human in the world, and no less cruel. The Huntsman dropped to a knee as, standing in front of him, the Evil Queen sat, perched on her glided throne.

Her dress was soft orange, similar to her bright coils of fiery hair, the cloak swept across her shoulder was a midnight black, matching her soulless eyes. She didn't wear a crown, but the air around her temple swirled; the faint smoke from the multiple weeping candles in the room forming a crown. It was magical, no doubt; but still, the Hunstman felt the bile of nausea emerge, not enjoying how it seemed the fire had crowned Uriela the supreme Queen. Her long nails - blood-red - screeched on her throne, an unreadable expression on her face.

Knowing the rumors, the Huntsman wouldn't put it past his Queen to paint her nail with the blood of her enemies. The powder that covered her flawless skin with the crushed bones of her victims. He swallowed - his thoughts did nothing to calm him, his instincts scenting danger. Everyone in Acplyna knew the Queen demanded no less than perfection. It was a well-known, haunting tale of a poor, young girl that accidentally added too much salt to her food, with her hanging leading only hours later.

A tale of caution. A tale he should certainly listen to, but chose to ignore.

There were no guards in the room, yet the Huntsman knew he was the one in danger, not her, regardless of how many weapons he had on him. The way her magical crown sharpened, growing points, she clearly enjoyed the effects. Other than the Evil Queen; the throne was the most terrifying yet impressive thing in the room. The entire chamber (a secret from her family, the Huntsman was sure) was draped in luxury and wealth (painted a sea of the palest grey with crimson and gold accents); as the Queen of Acplyna would expect no less. Nonetheless, her throne was overkill - made entirely of diamond with peacock-shaped feathers fanning out behind her, framing the Evil Queen.

"Your majesty."

Screech! Her nails screeched on her throne, before tapping on more.

"I'm aware you are in need of a Huntsman, and as many will tell you, I am the best of the best. I would be honored to work for you and prove my loyalty."

Screech! Tap! Clack!

He kept his head towards the ground, not willing to even glance upwards; a show of obedience and submission. Even so, her beauty radiated off of her in waves - a dangerous, deadly beauty, promising submission. She was the most flawless in the land, even without the makeup she wore like war paint.

"As a brilliant mind would assume, I concluded that you have already gone over my recommendations and know that I am the best and most likely candidate for this... deed."

Say something, the man willed as Uriela's sharp glare seemed to stare him down; pinpointing weaknesses. He was getting far too fidgety at her silence, he needed the money this... sticky job required. Thousands of ryins... his fingers twitched. She had more than enough to share, but he supposed that was why the Evil Queen was also known as vain, cruel, and greedy.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2022 ⏰

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