C1 - Childhood expectations

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My life changed when I met my best friend back in 2013. It all happened when a new girl came to my school. We was in year four at the time. The newbie was shy with long blonde hair like gold, but because she was quiet, nobody wanted to speak to her. She got made fun of for being unconfident, which I knew that wasn't right at all.

I decided at lunch to go up to her one day, and asked to be her friend. I couldn't just leave her and not speak to her.

"No I'm fine," she answered quietly, "I've always been alone so I might as well just keep it this way."

I immediately felt bad for her. I had high hopes for her and myself for the future. I knew I could work this out.

"Come on, let me join your table. Tell me all about you. I promise I won't tell anybody if you don't want me to," I said, hoping for the best reply.

She nodded her head, "You go first."

I told her about me, hoping that she would trust me if I went first. She seemed like a nice girl. When she told me about her, we had a lot in common and I knew straight away this was going to lead to an amazing friendship.

In which it did. Now, in 2021, we have been best friends for eight years! And surprisingly - unlike other friendships - we have never had a single argument. We visit each other's house almost everyday and discover new things and ideas. I couldn't wish for a better friend than


Now, we are on our way out of lesson, heading to the lunch canteen. We both hate queuing at school because it takes all our free time up. At least we are on early dinner which gives us more free time and less queuing time.
"Wanna go to the library?" she asks me, "I need to revise for my science test next week, we can do flash cards!"

"Yes of course! I've got the same test as well, we can revise together." 

Both of us hate science. We don't understand why it's important. Why do we need to know about different types of metals? It's stupid but 'essential'. Also, our science teacher is really boring, she talks so loud but slow at the same time. It gets on my nerves.

::End of school day::

We met at my house after school. She brings something with her, but I can't figure out what it is. She lets herself in and runs up the stairs towards my bedroom. The item that she held was a book that contained mysterious adventures to find valuable artefacts that are still undiscovered. I knew what this was going to lead to...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2021 ⏰

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