5. money, money, money

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As Silco was having a blast at the brothel, Eliza had decided to go back for the money. It was a stupid idea, but an idea nonetheless.

Before Jericho died, she knew about the money stash he hid at his mansion in the richer parts of Piltover. It was ridden with heavily armed guards that clamored like rats at one small noise. She had to be careful.

She did not think twice about going back for it. It was all that mattered to Eliza. That and the girls at the brothel.

It all started when she began to make big bucks as a merc and ended up on her first shopping spree. From bags to shoes to clothes, if it had a price tag, Eliza would buy it immediately. In her frenzied state, she realised just how truly happy she was by buying things. She could never forget the looks on the girls' faces when she brought them all new, expensive dresses that are well-loved and taken care of to this day. It is the driving force in her work, the thing that keeps her from dropping everything and running away from it all. People were addicted to Shimmer, Eliza was addicted to money.

She slipped back into Piltover for a brief moment in disguise. Eliza dressed as a rich woman in a magenta,
frilly dress and an awfully large hat with feathers. It was all going well, she even had a cup of coffee on the way. The problems began when she reached Piltover.

"Good morning, ma'am. May I see your ticket?"

Eliza ripped the dress and hat off as she had suitable clothes to run underneath. She jumped over the railings and on to the docks, enforcers chasing after her. Eliza had one last smoke bomb, she realized she needed to break into her house to collect all her things, too. Her hand brushed the dagger that was once stabbed into her side. She decided to keep it, for it was only fitting. A lucky charm of some sorts.

She stashed it on her belt, climbing over walls and jumping from building to building. A few minutes later, she finally reached Jericho's house. His wife was surely to be at home, or at least one of them. Sure enough, she saw a flash of red hair.

Eliza had met Jericho's wife maybe at least once or twice in her life. She never really understood why she married that miserable asshole, the woman was way too pretty. Perhaps it was for the money. If it was, Eliza wouldn't blame her.

She scaled the large house and managed to find a half opened window. Avoiding the guards, she climbed inside with two swift movements, almost falling backwards.

She knew the exact layout of his house, he had hosted balls for corrupt politicians and businessmen alike, she was forced to attend many of them. Anytime she was invited, she'd always bring home a shiny, new 'souvenir' of some sorts.

The safe was in the closet in his bedroom. The idiot was too afraid to stash his money at the banks, so he kept it all in an airtight safe. Eliza pulled out a pin, but before she got to work, she noticed all the nice clothes. Dresses and shoes and coats. There was no way she was going to leave without snatching a few. She rolled the clothes up into her satchel and began to pick the lock.

Eliza didn't even try to find the key, it wouldn't be there. Jericho had that key on a necklace that he wore every single day. It probably dissapeared in the fire, along with him.

The click sound of the safe opening almost made her cry out in excitement. She began to load all the money in her bag, each stack weighing her down. Eliza had gotten a good chunk of it, there was little to nothing left. The jewelry she found was also worth a lot. She slipped some rings on each of her fingers and wrapped a couple diamond necklaces on her neck. She dumped a bunch of earrings in her pocket.

Before she could get all of the things in the room, the doorknob rattled as someone unlocked it.

It was time to make her great escape, so Alt opened the window above their vanity. It was a round, circular window and she had some trouble climbing it, but she was out in a second.

The horrified scream of a woman sent all the guards into a frenzy as they rushed in the help her, making it even more convenient for Eliza to escape. It was easy, almost too easy.

She couldn't contain her smirk.

Eliza decided to drop off all of her things off at the motel. Her sneaky little hands discovered creaky step on the floorboard and found out she could open it.

Now, it was time to get her things.

She was dressed as dark as the night sky, blending in as she jumped from building to building with deadly precision. Eliza stood on a streetlight, waiting for the shops to close up and the crowds to thin out.

Her apartment was not safe anymore, Jericho's men were surely coming to look for her soon. Knowing them, the first place they would go is her place. Thankfully, they hadn't rummaged through her things yet.

She fell on her fluffy couch and sighed. Eliza did feel bad in some kind of way, she had decorated this place herself and now she couldn't go back!

Finding her smoke bombs and other trinkets, she was almost out of there in a second. A gun dug into her lower back.

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