KC Two: Strawberry

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Part Two


               "Dude. It's so bright. I think I'm gonna die," comes the hippie-like voice of my annoying younger brother from somewhere in the box that we're jammed in. Typical. 

               "You realise you say this every time?" I sarcastically, reply. "Every. Single. Time." It's the damn fridge door. Of course it's gonna open. Humans need their food. 

               "Yeah, but why now? And why do the freaking lights have to come on?" God, he's dumb. How am I related to that strawberry?

               "Firstly, the humans need their food. And it's morning. In the morning, humans eat. It's called breakfast," I tell him, my voice airy, so it sounds like I'm teaching him something for the first time. He grunts, not appreciating my sarcastic lecture.

               "Second, the lights come on because that's how fridges work. The door opens, the lights come on. They're bright, but it happens at least three times a day, so deal with it," I nag him. What a wuss. 

               "Yeah, but-" my brother attempts to argue with me.

               "But, nothing. Get over it," I instruct him, huffily. God, he's such an idiot. I nearly can't wait for the day that I get put out of my cramped suffering. Claustrophobia and small boxes really do not mix.

               "Kids," our mum's friendly voice comes in a warning tone from somewhere below me.

               "Shut up," our dad finishes for her, nowhere near as friendly. 

               "Yeesh. Someone woke up on the wrong side of their stem," I snigger to myself.

               Chuckles of laughter come from all around. "I heard that!" Dad yells, bitterly.

               "Point proven," I comment again, this time more quietly. A few of my relatives around me snigger, but not too many hear me. 

               "How long does this dude take?" my brother moans. "It's so damn bright." Little moaner. 

               "They'll be done when they're done," my dad says, firmly. 

               "What a great answer," I comment, sarcastically. 

               "Young strawberry, you'd better hope-" 

               "Dad! Mum! Bernie!" I call to my family, actually using my brother’s name for a change while cutting my father's rant short. "The hand's coming! I'm gonna die," I wail.

               "Not if I-" 

               The hand reaches in our box and grabs about ten of us off of the top layer, including me. "Bye, all," I sniff, cutting my dad off once more.

               I hear muffled good bye's as I am taken out of the fridge and I hear the door close. I'm definitely stuck out here, then. 

               I'm roughly placed onto a white cutting board. "Hey, hey, watch the skin. I ain't gonna taste so good if you bruise me," I remark, angrily. "And I bruise damn easily." 

               The hand has a change of attitude and I am handed over to a new person, this time much more gently. This new person, probably female, holds me by my lovely green hair. 

               I am held above the kitchen sink, and I see a peeler coming my way. "Whoa, big drop," I breathe. 

               The peeler begins to gently scratch at my skin. What the hell is going on? "Honey, why are you shaving that strawberry?" She's shaving me? Really? 

               Who in their right mind shaves a strawberry? "Remember Katy wouldn't touch any strawberries last time? She said that the hair was yuck." This woman, is who.

               The man lets out a deep chuckle, reminiscing the event. "We have one crazy daughter, don't we?" he laughs. 

               Hell yeah. But personally, your wife is worse, actually giving in and shaving a strawberry. That's just not cool. 

               "I'm done with the first one," the woman calls happily to her husband. Show me to the world, why don't you. I'm naked, here. No hair, no seeds, no skin, no nothing. Just pink, naked, little, old me. 

               The man takes one look at me and starts to laugh. "Well that boosted my self-esteem to the roof," I mutter sarcastically. 

               "That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen," the man gasps out between laughs. I agree with you on that one, buddy.

               A little girl comes running into the kitchen. "Daddy, what's so funny?" she asks, staring at her dad who is now doubled over and leaning against the wall for support. 

               "Katy, this is a strawberry," her mother answers for him. Katy stares at me in wonder.

               "Aren't strawberries those yucky hairy things?" I'm right here, you know. Thanks for all the sensitivity and thinking about my feelings, folks. Empathy. Learn it.

               "Not anymore," the dad laughs.

               The mother gives in to a light chuckle before returning to talk to her amazed daughter. "Yes, it was hairy, honey. But now it's nice and smooth. Want to try it?"

               "Sure," Katy beams and skips forwards to me. 

               "Open wide," the woman instructs, cheerfully. Katy obediently opens her mouth and I am dropped inside the cave of darkness, ending my life, naked and hairless.

A/N: I hope you like it and it makes you smile or laugh or have some sort of reaction (: 


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