Queen of Hearts

23 1 0

November 20th 1533 (more modern)

Dear diary, 

Love. What is love? They say that love is when you have a deep constant affection for someone  but what if I told you there was so much more than just love?

What if I told you, there is someone out there who is made for you?...a piece of you is a piece of them. It is like an unknown devotion you have made, one you had no idea even making. 

It is really an intriguing thing, a little scary if you ask me. Being able to sense their presence before they even walk into a room. Having your heart beat out of your chest or counting to 10 because you are short of breath. Where your thoughts and feelings are not even your own, you feel what they feel. If they hurt, you hurt. If they are happy, you are happy. If they are mad, you are mad. 

There is an old wives tale that every woman and man living... or dead, has a soul mate assigned to them from the day they are born. I was never one to believe in such tales, especially in the modern day but what if, just what if it was true? Would you leave your partner to go find them or would you hide amongst the bliss which you call love? 

I guess the real question is, what am I to do?

 I just found out I have three.



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