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Plant 3, Grace field House...That was my home and it has always been ever since I was born...

I grew up in an orphanage since birth and over the years I became capable to call this place home... I became capable to call all the other kids my siblings and the woman that ran the orphanage she began to become the woman I looked up to, the woman I loved the most, and also the woman that treated us like her own biological children we all called her mom... 

We were all capable of something special but living among each other, growing up with each other around and, seeing each other's smiles day and night every day was one of my favorite and best memories everyone had...well only until I understood what we were to our "Mom"...



To be honest, seeing each other's bright happy smiles every morning and night always was the best and heartwarming feeling to us, to mom, to me, and everyone else.  But things with a happy beginning always come to a traumatic ending... 


Before every baby is born and sent to a House they have to be taken to a weird dark place and had number tags tattooed  into their necks along with transmitters implanted behind their ear so they weren't very visible but also so our guardians can keep track of us "for our safety"

"Safety" to be honest I think everyone forgot what the meaning of "safety" is in this house. Including mom...

It was 38 kids, in the beginning then the number decreased weirdly over time but mom told us that they were all getting adopted but it happened so soon each one it was beginning to be hard to believe they were getting adopted... Then, I understood what was happening to all my siblings...

"Mom where is the others..."


"Do you even love us...?"

"Do we even mean something to you"


"We looked up to you"

"We loved you"


"But you betrayed us..."



"Help us" 

"Mom I'm scared"

"Mom save me"

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