Im so so sorry Connie I wish I was there...

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October 12th
Her last day home...
Or shall I say her last breath?

Mom all told us that Connie was finally getting adopted and was going home to her foster parents...but the truth is all of our siblings have been murdered and have had been deprived of not only their lives but also their innocence...

When Connie left not a single person could stay stable. After cleaning up after dinner I found "Little Bunny" on the table. Norman and I assumed that she accidentally left it behind, so we decided to take it to her before the gate closed and also before mom came back. When we made it to the gate it was dark and the only thing that was in sight was a truck that carried the bodies of our siblings but Connie was first to be seen...

 When we made it to the gate it was dark and the only thing that was in sight was a truck that carried the bodies of our siblings but Connie was first to be seen

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I was paralyzed in fear and also scared to death I wanted to just scream and cry for her because I know that's what she was doing while being brutally killed... the only thing I could do was call Norman... Just to think how much pain and suffering she had to through. Just seeing her cold dead body and dead eyes lurking at me just made me think, "Mom told us Connie was getting dropped off to her adopted parents but she was actually being brutally murdered with no one, not a single soul around to save her."


She's gone... Forever

Why Connie...Why did she suffer while we were at home smiling and laughing like nothing ever happened...

Why her...Why all of our other siblings...

Is this what we are to mom? "Products", "Food" or children...

And also....
Who's next...

Those were all questions I asked myself while just staring into her cold dead eyes staring back at me... It felt like she was staring into my soul and not only that but I could hear her voice yelling at me " EMMA HOW COULD YOU", "SAVE ME EMMA", "SAVE THE OTHERS"


Those were the only things I could hear... "I'm so so so sorry Connie... I couldn't save you...I failed you...I'm so sorry..." that was the only thing I could say over and over again...

I couldn't sleep for weeks, I didn't wanna eat, I didn't wanna participate in any activities during playtime...I just didn't want anything to do with anything or anyone because I know that if  I get more attracted to the others when they get shipped out it'll hurt...Just like Connie...  wish I could be there to save her and I wish that anything else other than Connie losing her life would make me so much happier but... She doesn't have the same luxury of doing that anymore like me and the others...

It hurts just to think about the fact that I just lost my "little sister " to someone murdering her and all the others that lost their lives from being shipped out...

It makes me notice that everyone isn't gonna be alive forever... but also that I'm gonna be shipped out one day...

"I'm so sorry Connie"


"I wish I could've saved you"


"Just know your death won't be vain...I promise..."

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