Chapter 1

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This is a sister fic and subsidiary fanfiction to 'I'll Be Seeing You' by @travisTea_ and myself. It is recommended you read the aforementioned fanfic before this, as the events of this fanfic happen during the later chapters of 'I'll Be Seeing You'.




Dear Diary,

Anthony said to me almost two years ago now that it might be an idea to take my own advice.

I will say, I'm starting to regret having made him begin writing in a journal all those years ago, as it seems he's only gone and made me do the same. I guess he was onto something though, since this does put me at ease.

I can't believe it's taken me two years to begin this, but now seems as good a time as any other. With Anthony leaving for two weeks tomorrow, maybe writing my thoughts down will hopefully make my small world seem...less so? At least on paper.

Journals or diaries can be difficult. I'm quite talkative in real life, but here I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be writing down. My thoughts are my own, and putting them down on paper seems strange. I suppose I'll get used to it. I wonder if Anthony did? In fact, I wonder if he still writes in his journal anymore. Probably not. His letters to Alastor; those are a lot of his thoughts written down nowadays.

However long this journaling lasts, I hope it serves as a reminder. Maybe to myself if I ever reread this, or maybe to be just information to anyone who happens to come across this in ten, twenty or even a hundred years. I hope it informs whoever's reading this of what my life is like currently. And what it becomes from here on out.

Until I decide to pick up from where I left off,


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Tuesday, July 31st, 1923

New York City
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Thick grey smoke painted the scene in a hazy light, permeating both the air and lungs of all the bystanders who stood on the platform, waving off the Crescent Limited.
A deafening and piercing whistling of a steam train hung in the air just as the smoke did, its heat almost suffocating in the already stuffy August air.

There were many crowds of people still around, even as the locomotive that many could only dream to be upon began to fade into the distance. But, even though she was amongst so many people who were waving off loved ones, family and friends; none felt more of a sense of longing than that of Molly Ragnatela.

The last time the woman had been at this station, she had been welcoming Anthony home from an almost two month trip away that had ended back in 1921. Over a whole two years on and so much had changed since then.

And here she was again. Only this time, she was saying goodbye.

Smoke that was left in the trains absence served as the only reminder that the large engine had even been there in the first place. The echoing whistling eventually grew faint and just like that, Anthony was gone.

It wasn't for forever though. Molly had to remind herself of that. Two weeks. Two weeks that to her, would feel like an eternity.

When Will I See You Again? {Hazbin Hotel Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora