Chapter 4

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Here we go again :)
Enjoy this long awaited chapter 4.  Hopefully more to come soon!



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Thursday, August 2nd, 1923
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There was no immediate indication as to what the time was when Molly awoke the next day.
Her long strands of blonde hair had tangled up into something that looked like a birds nest, and one side of her face was rosy with the sleeve imprint of her forearm she'd been laying upon for a while- a universal indication of a great sleep.

The knocking was something she hadn't expected to suddenly pull her into the waking world. It was loud and persistent against her bedroom door and only made the blonde sink further into the blankets, unwilling to face whoever needed her for whatever reason.

On the rare occasion she did sleep in, there was usually only one person to come knocking for her. And so, still in a state of tiredness, Molly only assumed the knocking on her bedroom door to be who it usually was.

"Nghh- Anthony, g'way..."
She mumbled into her palms that tiredly cradled her face, however she was still loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear.

Finally, there were a few moments of silence in which Molly managed to sit herself up, focus her eyes enough to find the clock that sat close to her vanity across the room, and lastly realise that the person knocking couldn't have possibly been Anthony. There was no reason for Giovanni to be at the family home right now, so that left only one other option.

In an instant, like an incoming tidal wave, the memories of what had happened the previous day came flooding back.

Nicolo the suitor, and their meeting- the meeting which she'd decided to run away from. The speakeasy she'd found herself at soon after. And Savia. Oh god- Savia. As if Molly hadn't already started to mentally pile up a massive list of things she'd have to think about from yesterday; that woman Savia could have had a whole dedicated novel within Molly's brain already. And she'd barely even woken up yet.

The next few knocks that came sounded much louder than what they had been before; the person on the other side of the door growing increasingly impatient.

Her pounding head was another issue she'd have to deal with. But for now?

Molly called out slowly as she slid her palms down her face in exhaustion and reluctantly pulled the covers back from her bed.
She still wasn't certain that it was her father at her door.

But sure enough, it was.

"Maria. It's almost ten. What're ya doin'?"
Henry's voice came through from the other side of the door as he knocked once again. He didn't sound too mad though, which Molly supposed was a good thing. She didn't even want to start thinking about what sort of conversation would come from the events of yesterday.
"Why are y' not up? Are ya sick?"

Slowly rising to her feet, vision hazy, Molly stretched her arms high above her head, the urge to flop backwards into bed again so strong.
"No, I just, ah, slept in. Sorry."
She responded sluggishly through a yawn, briefly looking around her room for her robe and grabbing it once she'd found it. Slipping her arms through the soft material, Molly then reached for the handle of her bedroom door and swung it open, her smile forcefully wide. She may have been feeling rough, but that was no excuse to be a downer.
"Mornin' Papá! I was just tired, that's all."

Hardly looking amused at all, dressed smartly as he always was, Henry stood in the hallway, his arms folded across his chest.
"Yeah, well y' look fine to me. Just don't let it happen again, you've got things to do that can't be done this late."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12 ⏰

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