December 2 | "Growing Irritation"

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                                              " Fuck, what now. " 
 [] December 2, Oh boy, This was gonna be Irritating
To say the least. But hey, He wont be staying alone in a void completely ignoring Christmas this time! As his Digital Clock went off it took him a couple of minutes of laying down, staring back up at the endless void that he called home which was a bit depressing but moving on, He managed to get up from his bed to turn off his clock, he seemed way more tired then any other day considering he to get up earlier then he was used to.

. . . 

Complete silence as he looked around, as expected.
He began walking towards his closet to get his winter attire for his time at the mall, still processing what was going to happen in about 6 hours, he was really not ready at all, However he still decided to put on his attire even though he needed to wait until the next couple of hours in the void, he had 5 hours left before meeting up with Eyeless Vinnie and her Daughter, Iris. Maybe wait outside their house? Perhaps, Besides he had no spirit in him at the current moment anyways, Or he could waste his time drawing, in all honesty he was surprisingly bored, usually he would think of something to waste time by now.
" Fuck, What now. "

Dumbassyouareliketheonlypersoninthevoid, he questioned himself.
Well at least he gets to see thighs late-

. . . 

The sound of static was heard from behind him, he was here in this type of situation again huh, that damn .ESP, Irritating to say the least, he went on to directly face him, he was less annoying then eyeless Vinnie at least, still annoying however. Right as he was about to tell .ESP to fuck off, he was immediately cut off.
" Hey, didn't know you were coming with us. "
" Hell, didn't think you would even come out of this void you call a home this Christmas."

Eyesore immediately understood what that glitch meant by his words, and he hated it, he had to put up with both Eyeless and .ESP this Christmas, what a good way to be introduced to the entire concept of Christmas eh? Either way he was still upset that somebody was again intruding on his Privacy of his own home, this happens all the time, again he was about to talk up to .ESP until he got interrupted, again, this time it was about somebody he had no idea about at all.

" Say, Muffin's gonna join along too, hope you don't mind. "

                   .                .               .

" Who? " Eyesore spoke out in confusion, he really just didn't want any more irritating people, .ESP Didn't bother explaining and just nodded, leaving the void by glitching out of existence, 
He was extremely confused, whoever this Muffin is he or she will surely be a Pest, apparently E̶y̶e̶s̶o̶r̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶u̶r̶a̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶s̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶m̶e̶e̶t̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶h̶o̶l̶e̶s̶. 
He took it upon him self and decided to take a nap instead of doing anything crazy, he was tired and lazy at the time so it was no suprise, He still had 5 hours left until he would meet up with the current group for Christmas anyways. He would begin making his way to his Bed, taking off his winter jacket before his Phone started ringing, He picked it up and was immediately greeted to Eyeless's voice.

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