December 5 | "Katozomi!"

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                                                    "  Papa! "


[] The Day started off surprisingly Well, no disturbance and Eyeless didn't do any stupid thing over night, Eyeless and Iris waved their hand goodbye as they exit the Red Void, completely forgetting the argument even happened last night, Eyesore smiled for once before going back to thinking of what to do, he couldn't just sit down on his bed all day, that would be boring, Then again he was always a boring person.

He still couldn't process why he allowed them to stay for one more extra day though.


[] Eyeless walked out of the Portal with her Daughter Iris, only to remember . . . 

that she had no idea where home was so he he had to go find help from from Eyesor-

She got back home, Iris still shook from what happened last night, Eyeless looked at Iris and assured her that everything was fine.

          [ EV ]

" Hey, Hey, Calm down dear it was just a small argument, i assure you everything went fine. " It was just a small argument right?
Iris looked at Eyeless and looked Happy knowing everything was fine, she still remembered how they screamed at each other though, it scared her at the time.
Eyeless Walked up to Iris, And bowed over smiling.

" Hey, Just saying sorry but i completely forgot that i actually bought you a new winter suit the night before December 3! Turns out we could have avoid what happened yesterday the whole time, Hah! " She Said cheerly despite what happened that day, Iris's expression sparked up in joy now knowing she had a new attire to stand against snow, A mother and daughter moment huh?
Eyeless stood back up properly to go ahead and think of what to do, she thought of going to the mall and maybe the others weren't busy today.
          [ EV ]
" I KNOW! What if w- " Iris said something that caught her off guard, completely snapping her sentence off.

          [ I ]

" Do you know my brother? " Iris said it innocently, despite the innocent tone in her voice Eyeless had no idea what she was talking about, she was only adopted a couple of months ago so she was confused by such sentence.

          [ EV ]

" Huh? "

          [ I ]

" I had a brother before you took me innnn . . . " Iris responded slowly, Eyeless didn't know what to respond with nor even knew Iris had a brother to begin with, She tried to take Iris's mind off the topic by turning on the tv and switching to a children's channel, which did work, She was just confused at this point but she didn't bother questioning it more.

She went upstairs to her room to take a rest, she didn't put work into anything today but she didn't want to stress either, that whole brother thing got her confused enough anyways.


[] Eyesore had exited his void to do his own work for the day, he didn't think he would stumble up onto anything for the most part that day, he headed into the snowy day, it was a bit foggy for no reason but for now he was just trying to find the shed where he mostly did his work and where Slend would be waiting for his arrival too. , he just didn't expect for what was to come next.

. . . 

Couple of hours went by, the shed WAS far away except he didn't think it would take this long to navigate, but finally there was, in front of an old, damaged, shed. 

Took a couple of tries trying to get the door to open, he almost broke it but he tried to be careful, he was expecting Slend to be standing there to and was fully prepared to greet him, instead it was a small child, with a red tail that looked similar to his own, A black head with a red face, he was confused, how did a child even get here, hell into a shed that's in the middle of nowhere?

Before he was able to do something, he noticed the child was crying, they seemed lost, he felt bad for some reason even though he was known for not showing too much emotions for others.
He was about to say something before he was completely cut off and was immediately caught off guard with the following sentence.

          [ KATO ]
". . . Papa? " The Child said under his breath, the sentence was mostly covered by the in between sobs but Eyesore knew what he said, and he was caught off guard.

          [ ES ] 
" Huh? No no- Im not your father little one. " He explained, normally he would have shouted at a child but he didn't feel like it would be appropriate for this current situation, it was clear that he was lost and lost his father now, he just didn't understand why he was in his work shed.

          [ KATO ]

" Oh . . . Ok . . . " He kept on sobbing, Eyesore was honestly confused on what to do. He wanted to pass him on to Eyeless but he suddenly remembered what happened that night, in all honesty he had no other person responsible enough to hand the child to so he came up with the obvious decision to take care of him by him self.

Eyesore didn't bother saying anything as he sat down on his chair, staring at the child.

The two talked for a bit, Eyesore tried to console him which eventually worked, the child soon explained his name was Katozomi, lost and got stuck in the shed while trying to find her sister, separated from his own family huh, that just made Eyesore felt the urge to take care of him more, sooner or later Kato was sleeping while Eyesore was working on some papers that Slend would have normally taken care of, Kato felt comfortable with Eyesore, and Eyesore felt the same.

He should have been here by now, Slend was probably busy doing other stuff, besides he was already done doing the things Slend should have filled out this morning, he got up and woke Kato up, He was long asleep. By then he just carried Kato, opening a portal that both of them could pass through to get to his void.

As soon he was there, Eyesore made the decision to allow Kato to sleep on the bed while Eyesore him self would sleep on the couch.

He had to take care of a child now, god what happened.
Besides that, sleep well you thigh dreaming crocodile.


side note: i still suck at making books, also pretty sure this is the shortest chapter besides the chapter 4 chapter which was a joke

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