Let me make love to you; Smut Pt.1

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Y/N sighed as she glanced at the clock. It feels like life has been going by so fast. It feels like just yesterday she was a Freshman, terrified of the school before her. Now she's 17, and does NOT feel it.

"Well, what do you suggest I do?" Jesicas eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "What do you think you should do?! You need to get laid!" Oh my god, not this again..."Jes, I'm sorry but sex may be the solution for your problems, BUT ITS NOT FOR MINE!"

"I totally get that, but your 17 now Y/N, and you keep saying how you want to feel your age." "Why does sex have to make me feel my age???" Jesica rolled her eyes one final time. "That's it! I can't help you, so stop bitchin to me!" She stormed off.
"J-Jes wait!" I yelled, but Jes continued walking. 'Whatever, she'll get over it.'

Student's rushed out the front doors. Two being a raven haired boy named Gerard and Y/N. Gerard was known as the mysterious kid of Belleville. His raven-hair hiding himself. All everyone has ever really known about him, is that he LOVES Comic books. Y/N meet him not too long after Freshman year. She had always passed him in the halls, but never talked to him.

Gerard's POV
My hand grazed Y/N's as we walked through the brisk November air. "So your really thinking about doing it?" "Well I dunno???" Y/N blushed. "If you want my opinion? I don't think you should." Y/N smiled "And why is that?" I feel butterflies erupt through my stomach. "I-I just think you should save yourself for the person you really like...y'know?" I've loved Y/N for so long, but she doesn't feel the same. She has no idea, how much I would love to be that person.

"Gerard?" "U-Uh, yes!" I snapped back to reality. "This is really embarrassing...but...how would you feel...about...doing it?" My eyes lit up unintentionally. "Abso- I mean." I cleared my throat. "Sure, I guess."

"Come to my house, later tonight..."

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