la lune [MINSUNG]

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minho always found the night sky to be rather intoxicating; the need to get drunk off of the pretty moonlight, holding a heavy weight within his bones. walking around the cold, dark streets, of his small town, at night—only illuminated by faulty streetlight's that seemed to flicker more than they did function—he appreciated the fact that the moon acted as his guiding light; his torch, more or less, leading him to wherever he desired most.

majority of the time, it led him to small parks, and picnic areas, where he was able to rest and look up at the stars; tracing his favourite constellations with his finger. sometimes, he would lie in the wet grass; allowing his back to become damp, as he closed his eyes, and ranked his favourite greek mythology gods, and goddess—selene obviously being his favourite, astraeus a close second.

moments like those, would help calm him down; bring him back down to earth and remind him, that it's alright to not be ok all of the time—it was only human after all. but if school ever got to be too much, or he was having a creativity block when it came to his dancing, he knew that he could always escape to a park; a swing waiting patiently for him, and the comforting essence of the moons blinding light.

minho often found it strange that he found the moon to be comforting—and the fact that he allowed it to pick his destination every night—but it reminded him of home and there was nothing in this world that could even compare to la lune.

seeing the clock strike 1:00am, minho headed out; the moon leading him down a path he had not yet been down. the streetlight's were in worse condition than what they were around their apartment, and for once in a very long time, minho doubted la lune's safety. tempted to turn back and follow a path that he actually knew, he found himself unable to leave—the blinding moonlight having them on a tight leash, dragging them to a place unknown.

the pavement soon turned to gravel and fear began to tangle itself within minho's aching muscles. seeking protection from soteria, they continued to follow down the avenue until the reached an archway, which was made naturally from intertwining tree branches. minho found it almost enticing; the way nature had the ability to create such wonders, and praised gaea on the beauty in which she had created.

walking through the archway, an abandoned park came into his view—a rusty slide being tangled in weeds, the middle bars on the monkey bars seemingly missing, and a merry-go-round that was somehow slanted adding to the ambiance—the only life seeing to be held within this eerie place, was a person, sitting on the swings, with their head tilted towards the sky; looking up.

the way that the nights gentle breeze played with the persons hair; like a mother soothing the troubled child, made minho's heart stop for just a moment. he had never once encountered someone on these walks—the moon always leading him away from such—so there had to be a reason on why he was brought here.

slowly walking up the person, minho noticed that they had their eyes closed. not wanting to disturb their serenity, minho began to back away slowly, which would have been fine had he not accidentally stepped on a stick.

hearing it snap underfoot, minho listed off every curse he knew in his head, wishing for the phonoi to come and kill him; take him away so he wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment. he was hoping to avoid human interaction, but it seemed as if selene and gaea had other plans for him—maybe iris too was to blame.

"oh, hello"

minho really hadn't mean to disturb them; never being his intention to do so, but he was almost glad that he had. the way the person spoke sent shivers down minho's spine, like music to his ears. their voice was gentle and incredibly soft—minho really wouldn't mind if that voice sent him to sleep every night, he needed a good lullaby.

𝘍𝘙𝘜𝘐𝘛𝘠, 𝘴𝘬𝘻 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now