us vs. the world [SEUNGIN]

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TW: mentions of overdosing, suicide and death


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jeongin was always intrigued by the stars and the way they decorated the night sky. the way they twinkled brightly and seemed so close when in reality they were so far way. he felt as if the stars were his guardian angels; looking down at him as he moved through life unseen.

jeongin was a nobody; somebody who went unnoticed.

throughout his school years, he wasn't popular, but he wasn't someone who was bullied either, nobody really paid attention to him. he would sit at the back of his class and get average grades. he didn't really participate in any of the schools extra curricular activities, or join any of the schools sports teams, so there wasn't a way for people to really get to know him.

his home life wasn't the best; his dad had passed way when he was young, allowing him to never be able to grow that father-son bond with him. he was never able to go fishing with his father, or for him to teach him all the things in life a father is supposed to teach their sons. his mother on the other hand was severely depressed.

jeongin would cook her meals and bring them to her, sometimes she would eat but majority of the time she wouldn't. he'd make sure that she would remember to take her medicine and would sing to her, to calm her down, when he would hear her cry.

he didn't have any siblings, it was just he and his mother, so he was the only one to care for her. however, when it all got too much for him, he would escape to the night sky. he'd go and take a walk and admire the stars that hung above him, and go sit in this tree that over looked his small town.

one day, he had finished cooking dinner for his mother and softly knocked on her door to signal the fact that he was coming in. walking on in, he left the food on her beside table and before leaving, made sure to leave a loving kiss on her cheek, just to remind her that she isn't alone and that her son, who loves her very much, will always be here for her if she ever needed him.

leaving the room, he went to his room and grabbed his backpack and a water bottle before walking out the door, heading for his spot.

upon reaching his tree, he rested his bag against the base of the tree and climbed up to one of the highest branches so he could get the best view of the little town he called home and so he could be closer to the stars. as he sat on the branch, he leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes, taking in the calming sounds of nature; the wind rustling in the trees, nipping at his bare skin, and the sound of the crickets chirping, to him it sounded as if they were talking amongst one another in their own language.

jeongin was so engrossed in the beauty around and he almost failed to hear the sound of footsteps. leaning over the side, he caught a glance of a silhouette approaching the tree. he wasn't sure if he should call out to the stranger or not because maybe, it was just a passerby going on a late night walk, just minding their own business and they didn't need jeongin to distract them from that.

so insteaded of acknowledgeing the stranger, he turned his attention back to natures beauty and the stars that adorned that night sky. he was glad that tonight was a clear night because he really need to be able to appreaciate the stars for all their worth.

today was a difficult day. school was nearly finished for the year so exams were approaching and he was spending a lot of his time studying, for things that he knew for sure he wouldn't need in time to come.

once again, he felt himself become absorbed in the beauty around him that he didn't hear the person begin to climb up the tree until they spoke.

"oh sorry, i didn't realise anyone else was here"

𝘍𝘙𝘜𝘐𝘛𝘠, 𝘴𝘬𝘻 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now