You won't understand

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   🌻These characters aren't mine. These belongs to JK Rowling Ma'am. As a wolfstar fan I'm just letting my emotion and imagination fly.🌻


  Each and every Marauder are out either to do a prank or to crack a joke after the horrible storm of previous night, except the palest but cutest one. He is totally lost in the book piles and often stretching his long arms filled with scars. Then suddenly an unbearable, weird smell starts haunting his nose.

"What the hell is that!"

  Well it is Dungbomb ,thrown by-

"JAMES!! I'm trying to cool myself down... What the- !"
James Potter enteres the room followed by Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew.

"Whoa it's okay.. okay dude...chill!"

"Yesterday was too tough for him, he's irritated leave him a bit"- Sirius has started normalizing and Peter is just like a audience, standing still with broad eyes as if watching any drama.

"I said leave me!!"- The pale boy shouted.

"Take care Moony, we'll be right back"- They just smiles and leaves his dorm.

Though there is not everything normal in the reason of Moony's awkward behavior as it seems, something is really haunting him except that werewolf problem.

"What's going on with me?I can't study well, I misbehaved with my pals..."- Feeling sorry he has covered his scarful face with those long and pale arms. RJ Lupin , everyone's Moony is feeling a heaviness in his stomach and heart as well but the most bizzare thing is the reason is unknown.

"REMUS? - A sudden hand has just landed on his shoulder to comfort him.

"I feel horrible. I've done really wrong with you.. I'm sorry.." A tear rolling down from his eye.

"It's okay we all know you're feeling pain since yesterday night", Sirius tells Moony wiping his tear.

"PADFOOT!!" - He bursts out crying like a baby crying for candy. Sirius, his Padfoot is standing still, because Remus feels horrible after full moon, he stays quiet, sometimes screams those are normal but here's something really weird going on. Padfoot sat down beside Remus -

"Uhh-uh Rem? I think you should have a look outside, I mean just take a short walk" . Remus looks at him bewildered, he has never seen Sirius that much calm and tensed, that means he has really done something weird.

"Let's go! Don't even dare to say "leave me alone" cause I'm not leaving, let's have a short walk" - Sirius stands up holding Remus' hand tight and leaves the dorm.

"Hey glad to see you dude"- James and Peter yells sitting under a tree with an active wand, no doubt they were pulling pranks. "I'm okay and sorry I didn't wa-" Remus can't complete the sentence when James and Peter jumps on him with a tight hug. "Don't say anything dude we know" - Peter smirks. The four head reunites and sets forth to do something interesting though Moony is Lost in his own thoughts.

"It's not any fashion competition going on Mr. Black!" - It is Pr. McGonagall suddenly checking everyone's dress codes. "But too hot professor!" Black shouts with confusion. "What did I say? Wear your tie well or_" Sirius immediately knots his tie and goes on .

"uhh can't even do lil fashion...urgh!"

Now it becomes like a bright full moon coming out from the black,dark cloud— REMUS LAUGHS! "It's our school padfoot no fashion." Potter And pettigrew bursts out laughing.

"Well dude is trying hard to impress someone"- James giggles and the rests are clueless... Nope Sirius is a bit aware of what James trying to say.

"Shut up Prongs"- he sarcastically giggles too.

💛Story cover art credit:💛thank you so much for this beautiful art 🌻

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