Chapter Two - Sophie

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"Show me Fitz."

Fitz's face appeared on Sophie's imparter "What's up?"

"Have you seen Keefe? I wanted to hail him to ask him a quick question, but he won't respond," she explained. "And I can't seem to find him telepathically."

"Hm, that's weird," Fitz mumbled. "I actually— one sec," he looked somewhere behind him. "What?!" Pause. He sighed and turned back to Sophie. "Hold on, I'll hail you back." He clicked off the imparter.

Just then, there was a knock on the front door. Sophie didn't bother getting up, because Edaline was closer to the door and was already answering it.

Edaline walked over to her after a minute, holding a small letter. "I don't know who that was, but she wanted me to give this to you, I think."

"You think?" Sophie raised an eyebrow.

Edaline nodded. "All she said was 'Telegram for Miss Sophie Foster.'"


"Yes. I assumed it might have been a human thing," Edaline handed it to her.

"Yes, but..." she trailed off as she read the beginning of the letter.

To Foster

From Lord Hunkyhair

She only knew one Lord Hunkyhair. Her heart began to race as she read the rest.

To my esteemed friends,

I have acquired an illustrious estate through the death of a distant relative, who I've never met.

I thought it only fitting to invite you all to attend a dinner party on its grounds. It will certainly be a night to remember, however, the estate is quite peculiar and only exists in the year 1920.

To enter its grounds, you must be dressed entirely with human clothing of that era. If you are carrying anything from the modern or elvin world, the house will simply never appear for you.

And not only your clothing, but your attitude must reflect the time. I have included your unique characteristics on the back of this invitation.

My driver will pick you up and take you on a road that can only be driven by his mysterious, time-traveling, automobile. Then, almost like magic, the place will appear.

I hope to see you there,


Escape the Night + KotLC Crossover AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang