Untitled Part 3

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Cole/Dad's POV

Ciara and her mom were tight so i can't imagine why she's being so brave, why she hasn't collapsed into a ball of tears, like there's something toughening her up but at the same time its not letting her breathe, it's sucking all the oomph out of her. She was a beauty, Diana and i don't get it, why she didn't at least tell me, why she didn't choose to spend the rest of her days with us. I know shenever wanted to be a drawback or a pain in the neck and was always so scared that she wasn't a good mother. She wanted the kids to think of her and smile, not wince and so she put on this happy family show for them.

I walk into the ward and i get goosebumps.

"Hi, Diana. You didn't tell me but that doesn't matter now. i just want you to know that when i first met you i loved you instantly but it took some convincing for you" i chuckle as i remember how she'd emptied her wine glass on my head "But i wouldn't give up" i pick up one of her hands and kiss the fingertips like i used to when she was agitated."we wouldn't have hated you because you were sick, i don't know why yyou would even think that. Anyways, the boys don't look too bad, it's Ciara i'm worried about. My  little girl; strong yet sensitive but i don't want you getting worked up because i won't be able to kiss your fingers from down here, well get through this, i promise. i love you now. i loved you then and i will always love you.

Drake's POV

"Hi, mom. i don't get it, you used to tell us everything. why didn't you tell us you had c-c-cancer? we would have taken such great care of you, you know? your'e the best mom ever even if you didn't think so sometimes. Goodbye, mom, i love you" i place a kiss on her head and leave.

Ciara's POV

Dad, Drake, Dylan and Dwayne have said goodbye to mum and now it's my turn. i started this and now i have to finish this. i have to tell her everything.

"Hi, mom" i start already in tears "remember how i used to run to you when i got hurt and you'd just kiss it make it better, well i know you can't kiss me now but i know youll listen. I've been having major issues with jesse, he's been h-h-hitting me hard and last thursday when i went to his place, he just raped me because i spoke to some boy at the park and i left him then but he came back and he swore he'd change so i said yes. but he hasn't changed but he says if i even think of leaving him, hell kill me. And apparently this boy i met at the park is his cousin and he came over and they had this huge fight and he made me say i loved him and i'd never leave and i made justin mad and jesse still kicked me out of-"

"Ciara, why didn't you tell me?" i hear Drake cry and i look back in shock

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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