Untitled Part 1

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The air shivered with anticipation; nervous excitement thick enough to almost taste raising from the group milling in front of the tree line. They stood talking in hushed voices, movements fast and betraying the emotions running below the surface. Decorated in red hoodies and wearing animal ears like bunny ears, cat ears, and even a rare few sported mouse ears. Tails rain between trembling fingers as gazes flicked across the high grass of the field that separated them from the rest of the world. As the sun set, painting the sky in brilliant hues of pinks, purples, fiery oranges, the first dark fingers of blue announcing the coming night the sounds of foot steps could be heard. Heads turned towards the sound as voices silenced, many sliding back a step, a few crouching as across the field a group in black or dark blue jackets came into view. Sporting wolf or fox ears and hungry smiles, the predators had spotted the prey across the field. Many also wore masks, covering their faces, heightening the fear of those in the red, marking themselves as prey. A single figure stepped forward, lifting his mask, revealing himself as Ish.

"Welcome to the first winter Hunt! Glad you could all make it."

Cheers rose up from both sides at his words, the promise of adventure carried on the cool breeze as it whispered of the coming wildness on the rustle of leaves. As the voices died down once more, Ish spoke.

"You all know the rules. Little reds get a head start into the trees, but only so far as it takes us to cross the field. You catch your red, they have to consent. If they don't, you release and go hunting again. If they do...Well then."

The smirk on his face was telling, setting off several nervous giggles from those across the field.

"The Hunt lasts til morning light. Everyone is due back here by then. Stay safe and remember, have fun."

He slid his mask back into place and silence descended on the area. The anticipation built as no one moved, the prey and hunters still as statues in the moment, locking gazes. Ish's masked face tilted to the side.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Run!"

Many of those in red slid back a few steps, but some fell into a crouch at the edge of the tall grass, grins tugging at their lips, taunting the alphas across from them. Growls lifted from those in dark jackets as they leaned forward, a few stepping forward at the challenge.


Ish roared, sending the little red hoods scattering into the forest with screams of fear, delight, and laughter. The alpha pack started at a walk, slowly advancing into a jog, before breaking into a run with howls. As the full moon lifted over the trees, bathing the world in a luminous glow the sounds of running footsteps, screams of fear, and laughter lifted up to mingle with the sounds of the forest. Screams turned to moans, the sounds of the Hunt pushing those still on the chase further into the trees, pushing them to find their prey. Soon growls and the sounds of ripping clothing filled the air, sighs and gasps danced with the leaves as the night looked on.

As the sun started to touch the tops of the trees, people wandered out in twos and threes, clothing torn and tattered, but grinning and sated faces showing that the Hunt was a success. Bodies were covered in scratches, bite marks, fingerprint smudge bruises. A few of the red hoods were wearing the black jackets of their hunters, while hunters sported a piece of the red hoodie somewhere on their person. A red hoodie string tied around a belt loop, a ripped cuff around their wrist. The last to leave was Ish, his arm around a mouse eared girl who was laughing as they stumbled out, pulling leaves out of each other's hair. As they all gathered, making sure everyone was accounted for, a bunny eared red hood called over to the mouse. Her red leggings were torn, revealing scratches and marks along her pale skin.

"Looks like he devoured you! Those marks are gonna be hard to cover up!"

"Who said they were gonna be covered?"

She blushed as he grinned, running a finger along the bite mark marring the tender flesh between her shoulder and neck, before throwing an arm around her shoulders once more as they all made their way across the field for some after care and food.

"Can't wait til the next Hunter's Moon."

Another alpha called, their arm around two red hoods who laughed, shaking their heads up at their Alpha as they swatted at their chest.

"What about you, little mouse? You looking forward to the next hunt?"

Ish asked, looking down at the girl under his arm, as her blue-green eyes looked up at him from under her lashes.

"Only if it's you chasing. Otherwise I'll just keep running, or climbing up the tree that you caught me climbing and pulled me out of."

Her laughter burst out of her as she remembered him catching her ankle just as she was about to be out of reach and pulling her back down. The grin he flashed at her told her he enjoyed the game as much as she had.

"Of course little one, you're the first one I saw go up a tree!"

They laughed as they continued up the path, content to hopefully catch a shower, some food, and then curl up for some much needed cuddles and sleep.

Until the next Hunt!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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