the woman

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i bolt upstairs after i hear the doorknob twist and footsteps entering. it's part of my parents' rules. i can't be in their sight after they come home from "work." i cooked spaghetti and meatballs, left it on the table and now i'm on my bed, hoping they like it. i didn't have much time to cook since my last period teacher kept me after my class, so i had to rush when cooking. I cross my hands behind my back hoping they wouldn't call me, but does luck ever go in my way?

"alex!" my mother calls.

i silently cursed and ran downstairs not wanting to make them wait for long.

"yes mother?" i say politely.

she took her plate with the steaming hot spaghetti and threw it at me. the sharp glass piercing through my skin, crimson color liquid dripping down your skin. the hot spaghetti burning the fresh cuts just made.

"this food is horrible, go upstairs, you aren't getting any dinner. go!" dad roars, making me stumble back and run upstairs.

since i can only take a shower once every two days and i took it this morning, i could only wipe myself with a towel and change, so that's what i do. I slowly take off my clothes and wipe my body, removing pieces of glass from my skin. i change into the last pair of clothes i have and stay still, not able to move.

but i can't do this anymore. i can't take it, i can't pretend this is normal. i would be better off with seven dollars and thirty cents.

i painfully jumped out the window, which isn't super painful because it's not worse than what my parents put me through. i start walking around till i don't recognize the surroundings. i sit down on a large rock, not able to go anymore.

my feet were aching, my head hurt, i was thirsty and hungry. my scars burned so much so now they feel cold. it's really dark, so i'm assuming it's pretty late, so i decide to rest for some time. i lay down on the hard, cold rock and stare up at the yellow stars shining against the dark black sky.

i feel someone touching me, and i jump back in fear. i look back and see a blonde woman with piercing blue eyes.

"w-who are you?" i ask, getting back.

she ignores my question and says "i was coming home and i saw you here. it's past midnight and it's freezing."

"i'm f-fine," i tell her.

she give me a "mother look" before saying "you're shivering, now come on tell me your parents phone number."

"no!" i yell, trying to run away.

but she grabs my arm and pull me back, making my cuts burn. without thinking i scream in pain, making her let go in shock. i fall to my knees holding my arm in pain. she looks at me with concern before bending to my height.

without saying anything she grabs my hand and pulls up my sleeve, against my will. she sees the bright red cuts, oozing out blood now. she gasps and looks at me.

"what is this?" she asks, in shock but sternly.

"n-nothing," i say, pulling my sleeve back down.

"where are your parents?" she asks, more sternly than before.

"don't want them," i say, slowly.

"look here, be grateful you have parents, cause not everyone does. now where are they, they can help you with your cuts," she says, getting out her phone.

i tell her the address and she opens her mouth in shock.

"you came such a long distance, we're going in my car," she says, holding my arm.

i look out the window trying to avoid any questions from her. luckily she doesn't talk to me. once i see the familiar area i start to become more tense. she scoots closer to me probably cause she noticed that i tensed.

"you might be scared that they'll be mad, but they will be glad they found you," she says, holding my hand.

i just nod my head and follow her out and hide behind her as she knocks on the door. I see my mom's face as she opens the door.

"I found your uh daughter," the woman says, moving aside.

"oh my god! thank you so much, we were so worried," she says in a fake voice.

"oh, and she has cuts on her hand, so please take of that," and my mom gives me an even more mad glare.

she grabs my hair and pushes me aside.

the woman gasps and says to my mother, "hey! don't drag her like that cause she has a cut on her arm!"

"it's my child!" mom says, about to close the door.

but she pushes the door open and sees beer bottles on the floor and cigarettes all over the place. my dad not knowing she's there says, "alex,  you actually thought you would escape? i'll teach you not to go! clothes off"

the woman looks in pure shock and anger. she stomps and slaps my dad, making me jerk back. she takes a deep breath before yelling, " i know you are mad for her running away, but fuck you. you don't give punishments like that. ever. and what the fuck is this place, do you not clean up? i  see why she left!"

then she walks over to me before gently grabbing my hand.

"i am not letting this poor girl stay with someone like you guys," she says, and pulls me out of there.

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