Introduction: My First Love

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Before he was Johnny Knoxville, he was PJ Clapp. And he was my first love. His dark brown eyes were the first thing that I fell in love with. Those soft eyes that seem to look straight into your soul. They were sweet. His devilish, yet incredibly handsome smile. Those pouty lips made me melt just looking at them, and touching them with mine was a whole different story. He wasn't like the other guys at our school. He was sweet, he was handsome, he was a momma's boy. Everything that would make it easy for a teenage girl to fall in love with. I've practically known him my whole life. Growing up in South Knoxville, TN, a smaller part of the big town, everyone knew each other. He was always that little boy stealing kisses from all the little girls at recess, though I never was one of those girls. But it was our high school years, and especially our senior year, when things got a little more real than recess kisses. I fell in love with him....Hard. And he loved me just as much. We had good times together. He was my first....for many things. I would have never seen our lives ending up the way they did. After graduation, I left to go to college in Nashville. He had bigger dreams of moving to Los Angeles. I never thought it'd happen, until I came home for Christmas break in December of 1990. I went to his house to see him, and his mother came to the door to tell me....He was gone. He had left for Los Angeles just weeks prior. My heart was broken. He never came to Nashville to see me before he left, never even bothered with one phone call, he never wrote me any letters. He was just....Gone. So our lives went on. I finished school, and never heard from him or saw him (In person) again. The first time I saw him on TV, I was so shocked, but so happy for him. He was doing just what he did best, having fun and being crazy. But he was big now, too famous to come back to me. I since moved on, relationships came and went, and I washed my hands of him. I mean let's face it, he's moved on too. I was living my boring life as a bartender at a shitty local bar. He was living his extravagant life as an actor, like he always dreamt of.
I had lived my life without him for this long, it's been 17 years, things were okay, I was used to being alone. Then of course, that night....


Hey everyone!! Kind of a long winded introduction, I hope it wasn't horrible. It'll get better, just bare with me. Hope you enjoy it!!

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