Chapter 3- Holiday Shopping

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"n1Gh7, tHi5 1s tH3 DuM5esT iDe4 tHa7 y0u'V3 hAd 1N 4 l0nG tIm3."

"Shut up Error. This is genius."

Nightmare and Error were standing in the middle of a busy shopping mall, looking at random things that interested them. The holiday season had arrived, and the meme squad had decided that they should celebrate like the normal people that they weren't.

"n1Gh7, Th1S i5 s7uPiD 4nD dAnG3r0uS."

"So am I."

"k3Ep t3lLiNg y0uR5eLf tH4t."

Error was quiet for a moment as Night looked at random items that were being sold. He stopped Night when he started seriously contemplating buying a 'yodeling pickle'.

"n1Gh7, cR0s5 d0e5N't Ne3D s0Me DuMb, sCr34MiNg p1cKl3."

"Firstly, it's not dumb. Secondly, it's a yodeling pickle. And thirdly, yes he absolutely does need this. He would love it and we both know that."


Error was then cut off by Nightmare pressing a little button on the front of the pickle. This caused the pickle too, as promised, let out a yodeling sound that was entirely robotic and slightly creepy in Error's eyes.

"...He would frickin' love this."

"w3 W0uLdN'7 bE aBl3 t0 sLe3p aT n1Ght, 4nD y0u aLr34dY hAv3 1nSoMn1a."

"I think I'm gonna buy it."

"wHy 4r3 wE eV3N d01nG tHi5?"

"What, getting a present for Cross?"

"n0, 1 m3An sH0pPiNg f0r tH3 HoL1d4Y5."

"The Christmas spirit, baby!"

"n1Gh7, y0u'R3 4n AtH1e5T."

"...Well maybe I just thought it would be fun."

"r3AlLy? FuN? w3'rE sH0pP1ng f0r 4 pRE5eN7 f0r 4 H0liD4y tHa7 wE d0n'7 Ev3n cEl3Br4T3, iN 1 m4Ll rUn bY p30Ple wH0 wAn7 u5 dEaD."

"Well maybe I just wanted to try something new. See what all the hype was about, y'know?"


"Also, is this shopping center really run by JR? I thought they didn't run stores. Aren't they supposed to be non-profit?"

"tH3y b4sIcAlLy b0uGh7 0wN3rShIp oF p0PuLaR bUi2N3sSEs aFt3r tH3y rEaLiZ3d tHa7 cR1MiN4lS w3Re aBl3 t0 gO t0 4 d1fFeR3n7 uN1vEr53 aNd Ju5T l1Ve tHe1r l1VeS tH3r3."


"sO b4sIcAlLy, iF S0m3oNe h3Re wEr3 t0 rEc0Gn1Se u5 aNd S0uNd3d tHe aL4rM, wE w0uLd bE t0tAlLy fUcK3d."

"Wait, they have alarms for us now? I feel honored."

"iT'5 4 mEtApH0r, n1Gh7."

"Right, I knew that. But back to Cross's present, do you think the yodeling pickle is a good idea?"

"1 sAy wE g3T h1m aN 4iR FrY3r."

"We got him that for his birthday, we can't get him another one. Imagine how disappointed he would be!"

"1'm Pr3T7y sUr3 hE w0Uld b3 eCs7At1c. Tw1C3 tHe 4m0uNt oF fR1Ed f0od iN tH3 sAm3 aM0uN7 oF t1Me. 1MaGiN3 tHe Sh1t cR0s5 c0UlD pUlL 0fF w1tH tW0 a1R fRy3Rs. bEs1De5, hE w0uLd Pr0bAbLy b3 eXci7eD bY tHe fAct tH4t wE Ju5t g0T h1M s0Me7h1Ng."

"...Touche, but I say we get him the yodeling pickle anyways. Seems like the kind of thing that would make him laugh. Besides, air fryers are kinda big, we might not have room. This here pickle is the size of my hand."

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