Just how strong is your control?

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AU - rated m

-Ceylin POV-

There is something so irritating about his high morals. His unshaken control. Sometimes she just wants to shake him and ask him why he's so pure and righteous, it drives her insane.

But, if she's honest with herself, while he drives her insane she wouldn't change him or trade him for anything. Recently she's come to terms with the fact that everything he does makes her want him more, and maybe she's finally gone insane because now she's determined to break his control.
He accused her of driving him insane but the way she sees it, he didn't seem to be that affected by her and maybe a miniscule part of her wanted to drive him wild until he snaps.

An out of controlled Ilgaz, wouldn't that be a sight to witness, she knows she'd pay anything for the front row seats.

It's been almost 3 weeks since they've dealt with Engin and things have finally settled down. While she raced through cases to rebuild her career, Ilgaz went back to being buried in his work, though from what she's heard he is not only a workaholic like before but he's been dubbed as the supreme workaholic, and she's heard that the chief prosecutor is ordering Ilgaz to take a small vacation.

Even though they're still legally married, Ceylin has not gone back to living with Ilgaz since that fateful day but it doesn't mean she doesn't keep tabs on him.

It's been difficult having to act indifferent towards him and their situation but if anyone is going to break and give in first it'll have to be Ilgaz, as Ceylin is too stubborn to admit that she wants him more than he wants her.

After everything, even with her finding out the truth about Mertin's falsely sentencing Zafer and Ilgaz knowing about it, Ceylin was furious with him but she couldn't stay away. She craved being near him, being in his presence calms her and simply she feels like she's not walking alone into the abyss.

She's been pushing him and throwing sharp words at him but Ilgaz accepted all her jarred words and it's making her mad. How can this man be so good and perfect? He really is annoying.

"Did you hear about Prosecutor Ilgaz and his wife, Ceylin Kaya?" A woman gossips to her friend while in the police station's bathroom.

"That they're divorcing?" 

"Yeah. I wonder if Prosecutor Neva will try to get him back since they do have a past."

"It's possible, he's a total catch so if he's on the market again I'm sure someone is going to snatch him up. Just this morning I overheard his secretary planning to make him soup and possibly start making her move."

"Seriously? His secretary? Makes so much sense as to why she's always been hostile to Ceylin."

"Though, thinking about it I don't think they'll divorce, I mean remember yesterday outside the courtroom. I've never experienced that much sexual tension in a hallway before. Ceylin and Prosecutor Ilgaz just eye fucking one another like that was definitely a surprise."

"They have a room, they should use it."

Now that's an idea Ceylin is totally on board with. While staying hidden in the bathroom eavesdropping on the gossip, Ceylin's mind starts to formulate a plan to see just how strong willed our famed prosecutor is.

After spending all night planning out how she wanted things to play out, Ceylin walked into the police station with a little bounce in her steps.

"Prosecutor Ilgaz is busy right now so you can't go it", his ever loyal secretary and the pain in Ceylin's neck guarded his door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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