Chapter 2 - Secrets

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"Sooo, what are you doing here if you don't need anything?" I asked.

Andrew shrugged. "Just came to hang out, I guess." Okayyyy?

"Oh, cool. What you wanna do?"

"How 'bout play a get-to-know-you game? We just met." Ummmm... okay.

"Sure. Sounds fun. What game did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking we just ask each other questions," he replied.

"Okay. I'll ask first." I thought for a few seconds. "I'll start easy. What's your birthday?"

"June 26, 2000. How 'bout you?"

"September 16, 2001."

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Dang. Didn't expect this question so early.

"Yeah, I have. 2 years ago. It didn't last long. Only a month."

"What happened?" Do I have to answer? "I mean, you don't need to answer if you don't want to."

"Yeah, thanks. I'd prefer not to, but maybe I'll tell you someday."

"I hope you do, whenever you're ready," he said, smiling. Oh, my gwad. Cute, sweet, and considerate. He can't get any better!

"Okay! Next question." I thought for a second and realized something. "Oh! I forgot! Have you dated anybody?"

"If you could believe it, no, I haven't."

My jaw dropped. "Impossible. Really?" He nodded. "Wow."

"Okay, here's my last question:" I suddenly got nervous and excited for what he was going to ask. "How long have you been in Amp World?" Oh, I thought. Definitely not what I was expecting.

"Uhhh, about a year or so. You'll like it; it's so fun." He nodded, smiling. "Here's my last question." Welp, go big or go home. "Do you have a crush on anyone I know?"


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