chapter 16

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karl pov:
what the fuck just happened. i don't know what to do. i need to talk to someone about this, i grab my phone and call sapnap. the phone rings for a little making me nervous and pace around a little

"come on pick up this is urgent" i whisper, as soon as i whisper that the phone connects

"hello?" he says with grogginess in his voice

"NICK oh my god something just happened and i need someone to talk to about it"

"cant this wait till tomorrow?" he says with a yawn, i roll my eyes


"cant you call big q"

"he has school tomorrow i don't wanna wake him"

"it can't be that important i was literally asleep"

"it's about gabby" i then hear him moving around his bed

"ok i'm up , now what the fuck happened you guys dating or something?"

"no i think she just confessed her feelings for me"

"wait what back up, she did what?"

"we'll i means she didn't say it but i think she did"

"what do you mean i'm so confused how on did she say it"

"so basically we were talking about her singing and the song, i told her about the song lover thinking she was going to listen to it , then she asked me if i was in a lover mood which is her basically asking if i want a significant other and i said yeah, then i asked her and she said yes i was confused because she said she wasn't ready for  a relationship which she said was just a way to reject you"

"damn so dream was right"  i chuckle

"yes but that's not the point then i asked her how she knows she has feelings for someone and she explained it , i realized she does a lot of the stuff she said with me but that's not what i'm freaking out about , im freaking out because she literally said 'i do most of that with you' that's basically confirming her feelings for me right?"

"first of all karl, that is a lot of information to process especially since i'm so tired and as much as i wanna help you, advice isn't really my thing but i can tell you this don't rush into anything and don't bring up the topic unless she does , you don't want to make her uncomfortable. don't automatically assume she likes you because-i mean do you even have feelings for her?"

"i don't know it's complicated man, i love talking to her and she makes me happy. she's so cool and i don't know if i have feelings for her which could fuck up everything"

"dude i mean when she said that what happened after?"

"she literally gasped which was so confusing and she ending the call saying she was tired with a fake yawn"

"maybe she said it by accident? i mean since your not sure maybe she isn't sure either but for now play it cool and try not to make things awkward you guys have a nice thing going on"

"for someone who's tired your giving out pretty decent advice man"

"yeah yeah whatever i'm gonna go to bed now"

"ok thanks nick"

"no problem night"


dream pov:
after the call ends i get out of bed and walk down the hall to sapnap's room, i say hi to patches before walking in, she follows me in and i see him saying goodnight to someone on the phone

"dude you won't believe what the fuck just happened"

"no no you won't believe what karl just told me"

"wait you called karl?"

"well karl called me but still"

"i just got off a phone call with gabby"

"holy shit, you got gabby's number?"

"that's not the point dumbass did karl tell you what happened between them?"

"yeah those two are clueless enough as it is now their confused as well jesus christ"

"shut up nick, anyways what are we gonna do?"

"what do you mean what are we gonna do? we're in florida, karl's in north carolina, and gabby is in new york we can't do anything"

"we can help them realize there feelings about each other dumbass because if we don't they will never figure it out on their own"

"i mean i could try with karl"

"cool that's the plan"

"ok now go away i'm tired and everyone wants to talk all of a sudden"

"alright, we will get those two together tho even if it's the last thing we do!" i say as i'm leaving his room

"whatever get out" nick lays down and turns off his lamp, i laugh and close his door. i hear a meow and see patches near my feet, i pick her up and walk to my room

"come on patches let's go to sleep"

lover - karl jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now