Chapter 6: One Crazy Weekend

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~~~~ Natu's P.O.V ~~~~

So the only thing people were talking about where how the play was ruined and how I FINALLY got my memory back. But really people who didn't even KNOW I lost my memory was talking about. JESUS PEOPLE STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE! I had to get that out. I mean if someone says something once the whole school knows about in three seconds da fudge? I swear the whole stage smelled like paint. We finally found out who ruined the play. The paint color said it all. It was . Yeah, they really don't like us. More like they hate us. It was Lisanna's old school. Edolas. Yeah they hate us. We didn't hate her since she isn't a bad person. She's well strangely different then everyone else at that he- I mean school. Well today I was playing Call of Duty: Black Ops with Jellal. He killed me. Not the first time. But probably the twentieth. I HAVEN'T KILLED HIM ONCE DANGIT. Is this guy a ninja or what? Why I ask this? Cause while I'm trying to hunt him down he's probably always right behind me. BAM. "FINALLY!" I screamed and Jellal just laughed. "Hold on Natsu I'm gonna make a new game Gray and Gajeel are gonna join." He says and I nod. I adjust my mic as he makes a new game. I've been sitting in front of my TV for hours playing with Jellal. It's not even funny how many times I lost. The game finally started. I swear we should all just team up on Jellal just cause he's that good. I hid this booth thing. "JELLAL IF YOU KILL ME ONE MORE FREAKING TIME-" Gray started and got interrupted cause Jellal killed him again. I swear I almost accidentally pressed the wrong button. "I'M EVERYWHERE DRAGNEEL" Gajeel yelled. Oh shoot. I swear I'm so scared it's not even funny. BAM! He shot me. "GAJEELLLLLLLLL!" I screamed. I'm so happy no one's home besides the cats. I swear Happy or Carla is gonna run into my room any moment now and just sit somewhere. Happy and Carla ran into my room. Told ya. Carla sat on my bed and Happy didn't sit down. I ignored it. "Gihihihi" Gajeel chuckled. Stupid Gajeel. Happy started to jump on my controller. "WHAT THE HECK HAPPY?!" I accidentally shouted as I was moving my controller. "That's what you get for dying him blue baka." Gray said. "Oh shudda up I just ate fish sticks." I said. OH SHOOT.

~~~~ Jellal's P.O.V ~~~~

I swear Natsu is an idiot. He ate fish sticks and didn't expect Happy to pounce on him. That's too funny. Mystogan and Seigrain haven't bothered me all day. THANKFULLY. "Ok Natsu since you're so distracted I won't shoot you." I promised. "Thanks Jel- HAPPY I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO TALK TO YOU LIKE DOG GET DOWNNNN!!" Natsu yelled. I couldn't help but laugh with Gray and Gajeel. "Ok I'm ready. I just put lotion on my hands." Natsu said before someone could ask 'Why isn't Happy after you?' Bang! Natsu shot Gajeel. "SALAMAMDER!!!!!" He yelled. I'm guessing they are all home alone. They've been yelling for hours. Honestly right now, I'm waiting for Erza to come over. She's suppose to come in about a couple of hours so I'm just gonna play until she gets here. Then she texted me. "Hold on guys." I said and took off my headset. I set the controller down.

Erza: Hey Jellal is it ok if I come early?

Me: Sure.

Erza: Good cause I'm already in your kitchen eating rice cakes.

When the heck did she get in the house?!?

Erza: Also on another note I did not bring food.

Me: I didn't know there were rice cakes in thw kitchen..

Erza: Apparently your brothers didn't know either and since you have no strawberry cheesecake I decided to find any other kinda of cake to eat.

Me: I'll be down..

Erza: Nope I'll go to your room with food.

Me: Kk. Sounds good.

I started playing again. "What took ya so long?"Natsu asked trying to find me. "I was texting Erza and she's coming into my room in a few minutes." I answered. "LET ERZA PLAY FOR YOU. I'M TIRED OF BEING KILLED BY YOU!" Natsu, Gray and Gajeel shouted in unison. "If she wants to." I answered. "But this is Erza should could be ten times more better than me." I reminded them. "HI I GOT ZE FOOD!!" Erza shouted when she walked in. "Hey Erza." I greeted with a slight wave. "Whatcha doing?" She asked and sat down next to me. "Just playing Call of Du-" I started. "JELLAL SHOOT ME ONE MORE FREAKING TIME." Gajeel yelled. "Can I play?" Erza asked. "YES." Natsu, Gray and Gajeel shouted. "YOU GUYS NEED TO STAY IN YOUR OWN DANE LANE JESUS." I shouted. I handed Erza the headset and controller. I swear they're gonna regret letting Erza play. She's a demon when it comes to video games and they are all dead. I've just never told them. Oh well. I grabbed one of the rice cakes and ate it while watching her DOMINATE them. I chuckled since Natsu, Gray and Gajeel were screaming about being beat by Erza. "Are you guys home alone or what?" Erza asked as she killed Natsu. "I am." Gajeel and Natsu confessed. "I'm not." Gray confessed. "I'm at home with Ultear." He confessed. "Why are you screaming then?" Me and Erza asked in unison. "Cause I have a right." Gray explained. "DANGIT ERZA!" Gray screamed and I facepalmed. Erza did also. I ate another rice cake. Turns out she only brought rice cakes and pocky from the kitchen. I didn't know we had pocky. I need to get outta my room more. I grabbed a pocky stick and bit it. I finished it then laughed at Natsu's stupid outbursts. I swear I'm not gonna do well on the fitness test. OH SHOOT. "SHOOT GUYS THE FITNESS TEST IS NEXT WEEK!" Natsu shouted. "CRAP!!!" The rest of us shouted. "OK MEETING AT THE PARK!" Erza yelled and shut down the Xbox. We both ran out of the door. I had regular clothes on just so ya know. I swear we ran faster than when we ran to school cause we were late. We finally made it. We waited for hours for the others. "You see em yet?" I asked and Erza shook her head. I got a call from Natsu and answered it. "Where are you?!?!" He asked. "Ya know me and Erza were thinking the same thing." I responded. "Wait what park are you in?" He asked. DANGIT. "East. By the East Forest." I told him. "OH I'M IN THE EAST FOREST. MEET US THERE!" He shoutee before hanging up. IDIOT. I SAID PARK NOT FOREST. "I heard the whole thing let's go!" Erza yelled then grabbed my hand and literally DRAGGED me across the park. "Ok so WHERE in this place are they suppose to be?" Erza asked. I shrugged. I guess we're training in two different groups...

~~~~ Gajeel's P.O.V ~~~~

Where the heck were they? "You talk to Jellal yet Salamander?" I asked looking over at him. "They're coming." Natsu responded. "I told you we were suppose to be in the park idiots." Gray mumbled. "And why the heck did YOU BRING YOUR FREAKING CATS?" He shouted. "You jealous?" Me and Natsu said in unison. "No. Don't get mad at me if they get lost." Gray said with a sigh. Lily never gets lost. Neither does Carla but I'm sorta not sure about Happy... "Let's see who can do the most push ups." Natsu challenged. "Bring it on." Me and Gray said in unison. We wasted about 3 hours of our lives repeating the same challenge but with different exercises. Yeah we are time wasters. I laid around and fought over who gets what flavor of Gatorade. I got mango cause it's good. Natsu got cherry and Gray got blue raspberry. "Who the heck made up blue raspberry since when were raspberries blue?" Gray stated. "And why aren't there any normal raspberry flavored things?" Natsu stated while grabbing a Hot Japanese Chili Kit Kat (I'll usually use Japanese flavored Kit Kats cause they seem so cool y'know?) Natsu opened the wrapper and ate it. I grabbed a lemon one and ate it. Gray didn't eat one yet. Oh well his loose.

~~~~ Erza's P.O.V ~~~~

Me and Jellal did sit-ups, push ups and a ton of other things. Yea I brought food and strawberry cheesecake. This crap is not a game. I cannot live with strawberry cheesecake. It was the first cake I've ever tasted. My dad hates when I would ask for it but my mom always buys it for me. I ask for strawberry cheesecake for Christmas. Why? Cause Cake-sama is bae. We decided to take a break and donthe Kit Kat Challenge that has been going around. I blindfolded Jellal and gave him a Kit Kat. He opened it and ate it. "This taste like one of those berry candies dipped in chocolate. It's good." Jellal said. Dangit. I gave him the wrong one. "It's Triple Berry isn't it?" He said and sighed. "Yup. Try this one." I gave him the Strawberry Cheesecake one cause it's a mini version of bae. "Starwberry Cheesecake." He guessed after eating it. "Nope. Say it right." I ordered. "Cake-sama." He answered. "Ok you got it right. Last one." I gave him Wasabi. Yea I'm evil like that sometimes. When he ate it I laughed so much. "WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!" He screamed and spit it out in aboout five seconds. I even fell on the ground. I was sitting on a rock before I fell just so ya know. "It's was Wasabi..." I said in between laughs. "You eat it!" He said and stuffed a random Kit Kat in my mouth. "EW WHAT THE HECK?!" I screamed while he was laughing. "Soy Sauce.." He said in between laughs and we were both on the ground laughing. Way too much. It was fun though but we ended ul coughing from laughing so hard. I grabbed a random Kit Kat and tasted it. "I got a good one!" I said with pride. "Which one?" He asked. " Cake-sama's cousin Blueberry Cake-sama." I responded. He grabbed one and ate it. "I got Cake-sama's brother Pumpkin Cake-sama." He said I patted his head. He knows me, Cake-sama and Cake-sama's relatives so well. "I'm proud of you Jellal Fernandes. So proud..." I said and he just chuckled. There's one thing I can tell you.
This trimester and summer are gonna be..

~~~~ Natu's P.O.V ~~~~


~~~~ Jellal's P.O.V ~~~~


~~~~ Gray's P.O.V ~~~~


~~~~ Gajeel's P.O.V ~~~~

And awesome

~~~~ Erza's P.O.V ~~~~

All at the same time...

One Heck Of A School (NaLu,Gruvia,Bixanna,Gale and more)Where stories live. Discover now