Chapter 9: Mira's Assistant

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~~~~ Mirajane's P.O.V ~~~~

At school A LOT of people wondered why school was canceled yesterday. But I didn't really care. The only think I cared about are my OTPs. Did they hangout? Did they become closer friends? DID THEY BECOME GIRLFRIEND AND BOYFRIEND AND PLAN THEIR FREAKING WEDDING?! Being a matchmaker is hard work. You wouldn't understand. I know Levy and Gajeel hung out at the library, Gray and Juvia went to get ice cream and Natsu and Lucy ate lunch together. Don't question my logic, deal with it. ANYWAYS, WHAT HAPPENED WITH BIXLOW AND LISANNA UGH. I know she left but she never told her where dangit. Did she even hang out with Bixlow.
I would ask but that would EXTREMELY awkward and rude hint hint.

"Good morning Mira!" Lucy said as she walked past me. I gave her a slight wave and started walking to class.

"Black shirt... over-sized..." I mumbled quietly. wHAT IF THAT'S NATSU'S SHIRT. THERE IS NO WAY AROUND IT. LUCY IS WEARING NATSU'S SHIRT. IF YOU DISAGREE YOU CAN FREAKING FIGHT ME. I WILL SCREAM IF THAT SHIRT ISN'T NATSU'S. I WILL HUNT DOWN WHOEVER OWNS IT AND TELL THEM TO BACK THE HECK OFF LUCY BECAUSE SHE BELONGS TO NATSU. I DON'T FREAKING CARE IF IT'S THE PRESIDENT, BITCH BETTER GET OUT OF MY OTP'S BRIGHT FUTURE. Okay moving on, IF I'M LATE TO SWIMMING CLASS I MAY NOT SEE MY OTP'S BRIGHT FUTURE oOPS. I sprinted down the stairs hoping I would make it on time. No not hoping, PRAYING. AQUARIUS WOULD MURDER ME IF I DIDN'T MAKE IT. I quickly ran down the stairs at a fast speed PRAYING I would get there in time. I put my OTPs before school and I'll be honest I didn't regret it one bit actually. I slipped and ended up sliding down the stairs on my butt.

"Good job Mira." I mumbled as I slid down the stairs, it was fun actually. Once I reached the bottom and I ran into the classroom. The moment I stepped in the bell rang. tHANK GOD. "You were so close to being late Mira omg." Mini commented. Her twin, Gemi nodded. "Mira-san was so close to being late piri!" Mini and Gemi chanted over and over. I'm just going to call them Gemini when they're together just like the rest of the school does.

CLOTHES!" Aquarius yelled. We all jumped and went into locker rooms then got dressed in our swimsuits. Aquarius assigned partners and I was with Laxus. I wasn't bothered until Gray and Lucy were assigned together. uGLY SOBBING. wHY AQUARIUS. SO DONE WITH HER. Rip @ my otps

~~~~Lucy's P.O.V~~~~

wELL THIS WAS AWKWARD. I bet Gray was thinking the same thing, I bet Mira was internally screaming and having 20293920294943 things to say to go against Gray and I being partners. I mean I would rebel but THIS IS AQUARIUS COUGH COUGH. I ACTUALLY WANT TO GET OUT OF THIS CLASS ALIVE. So basically I was stuck swimming with Gray for 30 minutes. Yay....

~~~~ Gray's P.O.V ~~~~

Lucy was a fast swimmer, not to sound rude but I didn't really expect that oops. After 30 minutes of pointless swimming we did a pointless relay race. It took about 10 minutes but we ended up winning. What was the point of a swimming class again? Not like it would benefit anyone here anyways, well I mean you could end up being a boat and it sinks so you have to swim, what am I talking about what chances are there of that happening anyways? This was basically just a pointless class if you ask me and the only benefit you get from it is how to not drown. End of story.

-Time skip to after school-

~~~~ Lisanna's P.O.V ~~~~

Mira and I were putting all of our tests adside to plan for school events. I was her sidekick afterall.

"lISANNA!" I heard Mira scream, screech. Who knows.

"Yes Mira?" I asked and looked her way. I wonder if she messed something up. Which I highly doubt.


"And...?" I couldn't find the importance of it, couldn't she just buy new ones?

"I'm sorry do I need to repeat what I just said. Ahem, MY EARBUDS BROKE. THEY'RE BROKEN. THEY DON'T WORK. NO MUSIC." She probably ranted on and on. I wouldn't have a problem with her just playing it out loud.

"Just play it out loud Mira, I don't mind." I softly smiled then continued to write down ideas for snacks, drinks and decorations. Sometimes Mira just overreacts to things, like her OTPs. Why is she so attached to those again? Once I asked her and all I got was a "lISANNA YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND." Does anyone else understand anyways? Eh who cares.

"Ooo good idea~" Mira smiled then unplugged her earbuds, blasting I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco. As we continued to plan, and hum along to the music from her phone, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, it's probably our pizza anyways." Mira chirped and stood, grabbing the money on the table, then walked over to the front door. About five minutes later Mira came back with a pizza box.

"I'll get some soda, which do you want?" I asked and stood, stretching a bit.

"Cola please."

"Alright." I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a cola and cherry soda from the fridge before walking back into the living room. I set the cola on the table next the pizza and opened up my soda, taking a small sip from it.

"Thank you Lissy." Mira grabbed her cola and drank some before setting it down and grabbing a slice of pizza

"Ah, no problem." I grabbed a slice of pizza and bit into it, it was meat lovers of course. We both loved it. I started to write down some themes to the dance we could have. Mira told me to avoid the whole beach party idea, only because it was way too over used.

"Hey Mira! How about a candy land theme?" I suggested after writing the idea down. The only reason we wrote ideas down was so we'd always have extra ideas in case of the following:

The plan backfired

For next year

And just in case we were too lazy to think of anything.

"Ooo, I like it!" Mira smiled and took another bite into her pizza. "I'll think of ways to set it up, you will come up with food and drinks for the even alright?"

"Aye." I nodded and started writing. I ended up listing stupid things like sweets and soda. But it's a party so there has to be actual REAL food. Maybe we could serve chicken wings and pizza? Or is that just too overused as well. Besides, Mira plans on making her OTPs pair up in this party so I have to think of something good. I wonder if she ships me with anyone, not like there's anyone to ship me with lmao.

I yawned quietly and finished off my slice of pizza, which I totally didn't forget was in my left hand. I set the crust in the box and grabbed my soda can, taking another sip from it.

Maybe there could be ramen? Nah, too cheap. Besides, that would make it look like I couldn't think of anything else. Maybe pizza rolls with spray on food coloring, then we would put pepperoni on each side so it would look like a candy wrapper? I wrote that down, and softly smiled to myself. Now time to think of something else.

It's been three hours, nothing else came up. Mira probably thinks I'm working hard and thinking of things to write. Hahahano. Maybe we could just get food, and somehow make it look like candy. Hey, spray on food coloring can get you anywhere. And I mean anywhere. But what food would we use? uGH WHY WAS THIS SO HARD. I wonder if Mira is doing any better. Maybe she gave me this job because she couldn't do it herself. That doesn't matter, I'm still pulling it off. No matter what.

Ello minna~. It's been years since I've updated dear god. And I apologize for that. I hope this was a decent chapter and I'll see you all next time, bye bye~!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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