The underground of my mind

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My mind is as busy as the London underground,

Thoughts spiral through and intertwine like the zooming tubes,

I get lost in there and I can't find the steps to the stable surface,

I can see where the light would be, but the dark tunnels enclose in,

The people around seem to pass me by like the busy pedestrians up above,

People around don't know how to handle me, so they rush on to their next journey,

Here I am stumbling trying to not fall onto the tracks but my luggage ways me down,

Occasionally another passenger offers to help carry some but somehow the handle always breaks, and they can't wait around for the repairs,

So they jump on the next tube, get off at their next stop, leaving me on the platform alone,

There's maps and signs to guide my way but I can't seem to follow them like the others,

Directions have become messed up in my head and no matter how many times I follow the set route I end up back on the same platform,

I get close to what I think would be my way out but the tube doors close so fast and a do not enter sign is forever in front of them stopping me from getting in,

It's always in reach, just one step away but that danger zone below where the sparking rails lay is waiting for me to slip and make one wrong move,

The bottomless pit of electricity intrigues me and even when I know it's destructive I sometimes am unable to get away from it's grasps,

It entices me in, drawing me further down into the underground cutting me off from the world around,

The rails underneath are ice cold but the shadows blanket me and the fiery burn that follows the sharp fall feels like a reward and becomes a comfort,

Once I'm stuck down in the depths below the ledge is no longer visible to me and I become entrapped without knowing when I will get back on the platform,

I see the people above me and they see me but no matter how many hands reach out towards me, they soon disappear when the next tube arrives,

The London underground is my captor but also my refuge,

Its winding tunnels and pathways are a maze and no matter how many turns I take the steps don't get any nearer,

I manage to reach the escalators but waiting at the top for me are the barriers and my ticket is never valid,

I put it through countless times but it always is somehow rejected and I get shoved to the back of the queue watching all the others making it through with such ease,

All of their tickets work daily and my worn-out ticket ejects and flashes red trapping me once again,

My eyes long for the bright light of the world above and my mind aches to hear other words than the repetitive murmurs and whispers that hide down here with me,

I am not the only lost traveller but the looming tunnels restrict any view but your own so here I remain stuck in the London underground. 

The Underground Of My MindWhere stories live. Discover now