Chapter 5

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"You can't do this!" Alec narrowly dodged an incoming punch from his sparring partner when he heard his sister's voice. Tapping his arm twice as a signal for a time out, Alec turned his attention to his fiance.

Lydia was as calm as ever, bright blue eyes cold as she directed the guards holding a prisoner to take him down to the cells. With a jolt, Alec recognized Meliorn, he had seen the Seelie at a few clave meetings when he used to go to Idris with his parents.

Izzy was exuding fury, eyes bright with distress, but she was contained and meeting Lydia levelly. "This is an unjust arrest, you have no right." Lydia remained emotionless.

"We have reason to believe that he is involved with Valentine, with your... affairs, you are fortunate I haven't arrested you also." Alec met his fiance's eyes, ignoring the cold feeling in his chest.

He didn't agree with the decision to take Meliorn in, but he had barely been able to keep his sister from being taken in. Fortunately, Lydia had been willing to listen when he argued that Izzy was a loyal and brave shadowhunter, and had been able to convince her that no betrayal had taken place.

His stomach curled as he watched Meliorn leave. Alec would have to keep an eye on them, despite what the clave argued nobody, not even a 'mere downworlder', deserved to be sent to whitespace.

Izzy was tense as she lowered her head, Alec thanked the angel that she had more sense than to keep arguing. She was at enough risk as it was. Silently, he slipped over to the pair and eased Izzy away, nodding respectfully at Lydia.

The temporary leader blinked softly at him, eyes brimming with sympathy. Alec knew that she was following orders and had no other choice, and he felt a wave of fondness for his partner. Lydia really was a good person.

When they reached Izzy's room his sister slumped against him, overwhelmed by emotion. Alec rubbed her back softly, holding her in a warm hug. Fortunately, his parents were away for the week, he couldn't imagine their reaction if they walked in.

Izzy was trembling slightly, but within moments she was back on her feet and thinking. Quiet as ever, Alec could only watch anxiously. Finally, she seemed to settle on a decision.

"We need to protect Meliorn, I promise you Alec that I never told him anything about us and he would never work with Valentine." She spat the name out, eyes dark with disgust. Alec nodded, he never thought for a second that Izzy would betray the clave, nor ever have such a poor judge of character.

"Alec, I know this is a lot to ask but I need you to get Magnus to help us." Alec blinked, astounded. "Please, he'll listen to you. The clave will never give a downworlder a fair trial, they won't listen to be but they might listen to the high warlock of Brooklyn."

Alec knew she was right. When he was being punished nobody had listened, he dreaded to think of what they would do to a downworlder. He hasn't spoken to Magnus since he and Lydia got engaged, and his fingers twitched with nervous energy.

After a moment, Alec nodded, and Izzy almost collapsed with relief. There might be some awkwardness, but Magnus would understand. Besides, a man's life was much more important than his emotions, Alec reminded himself.

Izzy finally sat back down on the bed. "You and I both know what the clave can do." Her face was contorted with fear, and Alec wondered whether she knew more than she was letting on. The woman gave nothing away.

Jumping to his feet, Alec motioned that he was heading out. Better to get this over with sooner rather than later. If the clave already knew about Meliorn they had no time to lose. Leaving Izzy behind, Alec made his way to the exit.

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