lily snape

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"Lily!" I awoke to a knocking on my door and my mother shouting my name.
" I'm up. I'm up." I said in a hurry and looked at the clock and realized that it was only 7:27 I calmed, 'why so early' I thought
"Lily-ann! Get up! You have a visitor." Maria my foster mother said on the other side of the door sounding anoyed
"Oh" I said
I got up and dressed as fast as possible into some fishnet stockings and a light blue shot length pair of overalls. Once I had finished getting ready with my hair brushed I walked out of the bathroom throwing one last glance at myself in the mirror. Then ran into the sitting room to greet my guest.
"I am sorry to have kept you waiting" I  said running in.
"it's quite alright." Said a woman in a long black pointy witches hat that had a feather in a sort of material tied around the brim. She had long dark green robes and rectangular shaped glasses on the end of her nose. " I presume you are Lily-ann am I right?" I gave a small nod
"but I prefer lily" I said shyly
" Well lily it is then" she said smiling "now I'm going to say quite afew strange things today so if you have any questions please ask." Then she turned to my perents and who had been sitting on the couch opposite the armchair that the whole mistirius woman was sitting in and said " same with you Mr. And Mrs. Waters, any questions please ask." Then she turned back to me "Firstly, do you believe in magic?" I thought about this for a while before I shook my head
" No" I said in a small voice. usually I wasn't shy but this woman was very intimidating.
" My name is Minerva McGonagall and I am offering you a place at the school I teach at, Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry."
" Witchcraft and wizardry?" I asked confused
" Yes, witchcraft and wizardry for you, are a witch." She gave me a letter with some sort of crest on the front. I opened it very carefully. Inside there were two peaces if paper the first read:

Dear Lily-ann we are pleased to inform you that you have been excepted into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. On another peace of paper that  is attached you will find all the things you will need to be aqipt with. On September the 1st a train will leave from king cross station at exactly 11:00am and travel to Hogwarts. If you want to come please catch that train from platform 9/34. At this school you will be exploring all kinds of magic and will be attending many different classes some such as defence against the dark arts, transfiguration and care of magical creatures.
We really hope you can make it

Dupity headmistress
Signed: Minerva McGonagall

Albus Dumbledore


Is this real?" I asked astounded
"Yes. Of course. Why would I trick you with something like that?"
" Can you prove it please? It's just it's so hard to believe." I asked still unsure
" Yes of course." Said McGonagall as she pulled out a long stick then waving it she said " wingardiam leviosa" and a candle on the table in front of her Slowly rose into the air.
"Wow"  I said amazed then looked over at my parents who seemed equally surprised I got up and walked over to them. Handing them the letter I watched as they read.

Sorry about the short chapter I will try to make the next one longer.
I hope you have a great night/day



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