chapter.3. part. 4. Harry Potter

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(sorry it took so long for me to update I'll try and do better.)

I bit my lip, I didn't know what to expect on the other side as I stepped through the barrier onto platform 9/34. I turned to look at the brightly coloured train and walking towards it, I tightened my grip on my things and climbed aboard. walking down the narrow hallway I quickly found a empty compartment and walked in, putting my things down on the rack above my head. Checking the time i realized that i had 20 minutes until until I would be finally on my way to Hogwarts.
Ten minutes later I heard the door open and looked around to find the same boy i had seen that day in Diagon Alley. he stopped as i looked at him and said
"sorry didn't see you there. mind if i sit?"
"yeah. no problem." i replied, happy to have someone to talk to during the nine hour journey to Hogwarts.
"thanks" he said sitting down opposite me.
Seeing him up close i noticed his smaller details that I hadn't before like his thin face, his messy black hair and his bright green eyes, and the fact that his cloths were faded and much to big for him. sensing my stare he looked down at himself saying
"there my cousins old cloths."
I nodded my head in understanding "I'm Lily-Ann." i said then added "but i prefer lily."
"I'm Harry. Harry Potter."
"cool. what year you in?"
"just starting this year. you?"
"same. "
his smile brightened at this and he sat up straighter
"you look familiar you didn't happen to go to St. Grogory's did you?" harry said
"no. I saw you at Gringotts the other day in diagon alley."
harry opened his moth to say something but was interrupted when a boy about my age walked in. he had red hair, blue eyes and freckles that covered his nose.
"hi. " he said looking at the both of us. "mind if I sit here? everywhere else is full."
"sure." harry said as I moved over
"I'm Ron by the way. "Ron Weasley."
"Hi. I'm lily and this is harry potter" i said introducing the both of us.
I watched as Ron did a double take and said "Your harry potter? like the harry potter?" He asked in awe
"yeah" harry said laughing
"do you actually have the - the thing?"
me and harry looked at him puzzled. then he whispered.
"the scar."
"oh yeah." harry said pulling back his hair to reveal a lighting shaped scar on the right side of his forehead.
"whoa." both me and Ron said at the same time "cool"
We arrived at Hogwarts over seven hours later. Getting off the train we stood on hogsmead platform for a mere 15 seconds before a booming voice sounded and harry rushed towards it shouting,
Ron and I both looked at each other and ran after harry who had stopped at the same man I had seen him with a few days ago.
"oh hello harry." the man said.
"hi Hagrid." harry said smiling
"an' who jus' migh' you be?" Hagrid said gesturing to me and Ron.
"this is Ron Weasley." harry said "and Lily-Ann Waters.
"Weasley I've heard, many, many times before, but waters..." Hagrid said a expression of interest masking his face. "haven't had one of them around before, have we?" he said more to himself then to us. "anyway you three better stick with me I gotta round up the rest of ya." he said then started shouting again. "firs' years over here! first years here now."
once Hagrid had gathered all the first years, we made our way over to a lake which had boats lined up on the shore. Hagrid got in one and looked at us expectantly.
"you hungry or not? get in a boat so we can go across." a few people mumbled about not wanting to get wet but they all got in there boats. i found harry and Ron and we all sat down.
"there's no paddle." a girl said
"these boats don't need paddles." a boy with blond hair sniggered in answering.
we reached the other side with gladly not much water on us and hopped out onto the sand looking up in oar at the ginormous castle. I looked over to harry who smiled his face illuminated by the light that was streaming from Hogwarts school.
we walked up a pathway and through a wide expanse of yard and soon found ourselves at the bottom of a staircase leading into a large room which Hagrid called the entrance hall.

-the next bit they all go into that room where that meet draco and get introduced to professor McGonagall and stuff but I cant really write it coz it's not mine it's jk rollings so if u don't remember it I suggest u go back to the philosophers stone and read it. (It's quite funny) -

The door opened and McGonagall entered.
"Where ready for you now."  She said "will you all please walk in single file into the great hall where you will be sorted into your houses."
The first years nodded in agreement and we all walked out, McGonagall taking the lead.
"Now wait along here will you until I call your name, then you will go up and sit on that stool." McGonagall said pointing to a old, rikerty stool that looked like it could crumble at any moment.
Off the stool she picked up a bit of parchment that obviously read the  names of first years as she said
"Bones, Suzen." And a girl walked up taking large deep breaths and sitting on the stool. McGonagall placed a large old hat atop her head witch after about thirty seconds of silance screamed out the word
"Hufflepuff!" Taking me and on the look of most the fist years faces them too by complete surprise though some tryed to hide it including Malfoy.
More and more people then Harry finally went; and got Gryffindor then Ron went and he too got Gryffindor.
Then draco Malfoy who got Slytherin and finally me.
"Waters Lily-ann." McGonagall spoke loud and clear as she looked up at me.
I walked over to the stool and sat down. I didn't really care what house I got into I was just happy to be at Hogwarts. I felt a light brush on my head as the sorting hat was placed.
"Now you have great intelligence..." Said a small voice in my ear making me jump " and thats a Ravenclaw trait...but your also quite brave and that's Gryffindor. You love to read and to learn but you kind of want to be in Gryffindor because Harry and Ron are there and they are your friends. Your going to be great in your future..." Then the hat spoke louder, almost shouting.
"Aavenclaw!" The table in-between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor clapped. And I walked over to them with a great smile on my face.
After the sorting I looked over at Harry happily but my smile soon faded from my lips as he was clutching his forehead on pain as he looked at a professor who was staring back at him with anger in his eyes.
"Hey. Hey excuse me?" I said nudging one of the Ravenclaw prefects.
"Yes?" They said looking up.
"Who's that teacher over there with the greasy black hair and black eyes staring at Harry Potter?"
" Oh him? Yeah that's professor Snape. He's head of Slytherin house, teachers potions but wants the defense against the dark arts post which is taken by professor qirriel over there. The one on the terben."
" You say he's after the defense against the dark arts post?"
" Yeah he's been after it for years. I don't know why though, I think the job is cursed. Every year a new dada teacher comes then either quits before the end of the year, gets fired or something happens to them. It's really weird. Many people place bets on them to see if they will leave and every year they do..."
I nodded " strange..."

Just like to say nun of this is mine except some of the charecters all credit goes to jk rolling and Warner bros. Also most of this will be based off of the books not movies though if i think something's better in the movie or it just goes better with what's gonna happen then I might add It in ect ect...

Have a good night/day

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2022 ⏰

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