Chapter 2. A New World

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My heart skipped a beat as I walked through the brick wall into diagon ally there where shops and people everywhere. you looked in one direction and there would be shops with names like,
Quality Quidditch Supplies, Slug and Jigger's Apothecary and Madam Milkin's Robes For All Occasions. And then you looked in another direction and there would be Flourish and Blotts, Florean Fortescue's Ice cream Parlour and Eyelope's Owl Emporium/Magical Menagerie, Wich looked tempting with all the different animals, but the one place I really was looking forward to going was Ollivanders - makers of the wands since 382 BC. The place I had to go first though was Gringotts bank to exchange my muggle money for some wizard gold. Walking up to the big white structure it looked almost intimidating as it stared down at me. Shaking my head i went inside but almost ran out again as i saw about two dozen little ugly creatures behind desks. Taking a deep breath I walked over to one of the desks and cleared my throat the thing looked down at me with small beady eyes
"I would like to exchange my muggle money for some wizard gold please and open a vault if that would be possible?"
I said in my clearest voice still not sure if it could understand me let alone speak English.
"Muggle Borns" it muttered under it's breath in a gruff voice not knowing I could hear it. then a louder "wait here" it went, and came back a few minutes later with another one.
hearing heavy footsteps I turned to see a small boy about my age with jet black hair and round glasses walking next to the biggest man I had ever seen who was looking rather green. The man looked at me and in a deep voice said
"Wha are you lookin at'?"
Realizing I was staring I looked away forcing my focus back onto the two small creatures.

I walked out of Gringotts now understanding why the man looked so green having just been to my vault on what seemed to be the world's fastest roller coaster. At the top of the stairs I stoped to look over the heads of the crowd knowing that I won't be able to see a thing when I'm down at the same hight as them. I sort out Ollivanders and walked down the stairs to tread in the most direct line I could master to the shop. Finally reaching the other side of the alley I hoped I hadn't gone to far out of my way. Realizing I had appeared seven shops down from Ollivanders I tryed again. I reached the door to Ollivanders two tries later and opening the door I stepped inside. it was a small dusty shop with shelves and shelves of small boxes witch I assumed to be filled with wands.
"Hello there" a voice said startling
me "and who might you be?"
"Lily-Ann Waters." I said confidently
" Waters. Haven't herd that name before. You muggle born?"
"I think so." I said.
He didn't question me as to why I wasn't sure about my perents blood type he just pulled one of the boxes off the shelf, opening the lid he put it on the desk in front of me. "Apple wood, twelve and a half inches with a dragon heartstring as the core." He said. but me not having a single clue on what he was going on about gave him a questioning gaze.
"Give it a wave." He said as if I should have known what to do aotomaticly. I picked it up and did as he said waving it in an ark across the air. I quickly put it back in it's box though, having broken a lamp. This happened with the next thirteen wands each breaking a new object. After the fifteenth wand Mr. Ollivander found a wand that 'chose me'
In his words. The wand was twelve and a quarter inches, made of Ash wood with a phoenix feather core.
I wished my perents could have been there when I had gotten my wand but my mother had gone out out of town a few days ago and my farther had a doctor's appointment and dropped me off on his way there I only had a few hours left before he would come pick me up again.
Walking to the top of the stairs of Gringotts I once again looked over the heads of the crowd for this time Slug and Jigger's Apothecary. Walking in once again the straightest line I could master I made my way towards the Apothecary. *Smack* I walked straight into someone
"Ow..." I muttered
"Watch where you are going." The person said harshly
"You watch-" but the words died in my throat as I looked up at the man, he had shoulder length black hair, sharp features and he wore a long black cape, his eyes an obsidian. He looked rather familiar but I didn't think I had seen him anywhere before. He looked me directly in the eye then turned and stalked away leaving me wondering who he was and why he looked so femilia.
After the Apothecary I went to the ice cream shop and then to buy all my books from Flourish and Blotts Wich turned out to be a bad idea for now I had to lug them around while doing the rest of my shopping. I went to Madam Milkin's to get some robes fitted then went to
Quality Quidditch Supplies to look around and see what the hell quidditch was. I ended up buying a broom though almost immediately forgetting the type. Then for my last stop of the day I went to Eyelope's Owl Emporium/Magical Menagerie to buy myself an owl or cat toade was out of the option. And walked out with a very nice barn owl that I named stella.


Sorry if I go between first person and third person (she and I) I try not to but you who write in both will know what I'm talking about.

Have a great night/day


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