Chapter 22 "Soon To Come"

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Another undesired morning came down as the mist filled the chilly air.

Maybe Y/n was already used to the pain, but her assistant wasn't.

Jiya held the face powder and the brush in her hands as she looked at her boss with pitiful eyes. She sighed, seeing the new marks on her neck, arms, and legs. Jiya wouldn't call those lovebites or love blooms because they looked so painful and stinging.

"Hurry up, Ji." Y/n demanded, "The kids are waiting for me."

They were inside the car in front of the orphanage and Y/n was looking outside, watching the kids play in their playground. She mustered up a sad smile while clasping her hands together.

"This is so wrong, Miss Y/n," Jiya started grumbling as she shoved the brush into the face powder, "He shouldn't hurt you over and over again."

Y/n cleared her throat, her breathe hitched as she saw Taehyun's face in her vision, daydreaming like a teenage girl as she sadly smiled.

"I can't lose him."

Jiya's eyes softened as her boss lowered her face. She admired how strong this woman was and the fact that she was still going and fighting for her married relationship was truly worth the risk.

Risking everything for the man she loved wasn't big enough to be compared to how much she cherished Taehyun.

"I understand you," Jiya said. "But this should stop. This needs to be fixed."

Y/n sniffed as she contained her tears, "He's not fond of fixing our problems properly. He likes to ending things in bed.. or by the couch."

Jiya shook her ear at the information, "Goodness gracious."

This was the part where the author thought of Taehyun's wake up call and it had to be something that would slap him the fucking truth about everything. Including his developing feelings which he dealt with so immaturely.

It wasn't just cruel, bad, or arrogant. Everyone find it frustrating how the fuck Taehyun wasn't even progressing with atleast something so little.

Y/n and Jiya left the car and as soon as they entered the orphanage, the kids came running towards her and welcomed her excitedly.

"Guess who's back!" Y/n greeted, waving at the kids.

The kids were squealing and acting cute to her and she could only giggle at how small they were.

Now that she felt so down, these kids will definitely boost her energy up once again. The kids' teachers also came out to greet Y/n upon her arrival.

"I brought foods for y'all, kiddos," Y/n smiled, leaning down as one little girl cupped her cheeks and another one played with her earrings.

"Foods? Really, noona?!" Taeyon, the same little boy who reminded her much of her husband, tugged onto her sleeve as he looked up at her.

"Hey, Taeyon. Yes, many many foods and you will eat it together with your friends and teachers," Y/n smiled and the eyes of the little boy twinkled as he jumped up and down with the other kids.

The time went by and Y/n discussed a few things with the teachers before she left. She made sure first for her to know if all the kids were getting the right and proper treatment they deserve, and that each of them were healthy and happy.

She spent some more time with the kids and told them fun stories, she even joined their games and her assistant was recording a fun video of them.

It was nearly time for her to leave when the kids started protesting and whining, asking her to stay longer.

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