Final Chapter (7)

446 11 74

October 31st 2018

The Police Cars were surrounding everywhere, The Strode Family along with Harry, Daniel and Cassie were thinking about their next move and where to find Daniela. Karen noticed Daniel starring ahead of him as She tapped his shoulder as Daniel turned.

Daniel: What?

Karen: Your been starring at something, What happened?

Daniel: Hmmm. . . Well, I think I know Where Daniela could be at.

John: What? Really?

Daniel: This is the same direction to her old house. . . She could be heading over there.

Jamie: Are you sure about that, Daniel?

Cassie: What if she's trying to get away from us?

Daniel: Lets go search her in the house, Then the questions will be answered.

Laurie: The way she is. . . Reminds me a Micheal.

Daniel: Even He went to his old house back when my grandfather was there.

Laurie: Yes, Doctor Loomis. . He helped me when Micheal was trying to kill me.

Saying his name, Laurie gritted her teeth as Allyson was touching her shoulder.

Allyson: Come on, Grandmother. Let's get going.

Laurie nodded as They looked around before making their way to Daniela'a old house which wasn't far.

Meanwhile. . . .

Daniela was walking as She was looking around, Crawford turned and saw a police car looking like it was following her

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Daniela was walking as She was looking around, Crawford turned and saw a police car looking like it was following her. Daniela continued walking until she turned. . . And saw her old house.

She stared at it for a few seconds, Before she walked towards it and looked at the door before opening it.

She got inside as Daniela saw the house, It was a bit empty but also had some of the old furnitures. She shut the door before looking around the room. Crawford looked at upstairs and walked, She opened the bedroom door, The same room where she killed her Mother.

Crawford looked at the room as She saw the dressing table, In the carpet she saw the dry blood stain as Daniela stared at herself in the mirror.

She sat on the stool chair as She continued starring at herself, Remembering the moment when she killed her mother.

Meanwhile Three Officers were running as The other one shouted.

Officer: I saw her going to that house!

Officer: Lets get inside.

The Officers were looking around as They opened the door and continued to look around.

Officer: This house. . Looks abandoned.

Officer: I have a doubt it is, Lets find her.

The Officers were looking around as Daniela heard the noises and stared at herself, She didn't bother going down, She got up and looked at the mirror reflecting her mask.

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