Stabbing In The Dark

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November 1st. 2018

Last Night, This Year's Halloween will be marked as the most Bloodiest months since the incident in 1978

The People Of Haddonfield Witnessed A Mental Patient Named Daniela Crawford Causing Chaos And Mayhem in Haddonfield which shocked the whole world.

She killed Over 22 People on the same night. Sheriff Harry Mercer Arrested her on The Same Night and ever since then The People Of Haddonfield were shocked and afraid to leave their house and were locking all their doors and Windows in fear that Daniela might return.

After Daniela was arrested, There was also anger and rage happening in the once peaceful town. The People Of Haddonfield demanded a death sentence to Daniela Crawford and there was even rampage in the mayor's office.

Daniela was in the asylum for a year thinking about getting revenge on Harry Mercer, Samuel Loomis's Grandson Daniel Loomis along with his assistant Nurse Cassandra Lee. She also wanted revenge Laurie and her famuly for interfering in the massacre.

In 1994, Daniela killed her family and was sent to the mental hospital

In 2018, Daniela returned to Haddonfield and terriozed the peaceful town.

In 2019, She Kills. . . . .


/N: Thank you so much for reading this book! I really hope you enjoyed it!

And Yes if you all are wondering, There is going to be a sequel for this book and its called Halloween Kills: The Revenge Of Daniela Crawford.

Question: How was the book? (Honest Opinion) 😁

Question 2: How would you rate the book from 0 To 100? 😄

Question 3: Are you excited for the sequel? 😁

Stay strong!! 😁

HalloweenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ