Chapter One

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Author's Note:
1)Haha whoops

2)Ocs a bitch but shes my bitch

3)If you want to know why Im writing a lot of Bakugou faces consequences, head to the end. Its kinda personal but I wanted to write even it took some time to accept it so.

4)Hope you enjoy

5)Say it with me now: FUCK CANON and FUCK BULLIES and fuck Im done.



When a person is curious about something they tend to find everything they could on that topic and leave it there in their mind to rest.

Not to Aiya.

When Aiya is curious about something she will find every last detail about it even if its the last thing she does. Aiya is the type of person to leave it in her head, but Reporta is not.

Aiya is a regular adult woman who looks fairly normal with her short straight black hair, slight round red cheeks and dark green eyes. She wears white shirts all the time, and sometimes with pants or shorts, depending on her mood. She lives in a one bedroom apartment where she works at a cafe nearby. Shes happily single but will date anyone that finds her remotely close to hot. Thats why she stopped dating for a while.

Reporta is an anonymous woman who writes reports on the internet. No one knows who she is. All they know is that if Reporta wants something done, shed do it herself. Reporta is also Aiyas alter ego.

The only people who know about Reporta are Eraserhead, a tired underground pro hero, Tsukauchi, an equally tired detective, her parents, after her mom gave her advice with a crying dad beside her, a woman she fell in love with, and Nezu, one of her connections. Though it wasnt really fair because they only know her from her vigilante days. Those days were over after finding something (read: been forced to) else shes interested in; exposing people.

From what she knows, a lot of people love Reporta, but the others? They despise her. The people that love Reporta have never read anything about them in her reports, the people Reporta writes about though, well, the hate mail in the random address she sent say a lot about the situation. She wouldn't know, but she loves imagining it.

Reporta has several ways to get what she wants;

One: inside help. She has so many people from all over Japan that help her when she calls asking about a specific person in mind. Those people are well respected in her mind, but not one of them know who she is.

Two: going undercover. That was one of the things Reporta loves doing. She was a waitress in a cafe, it was the best cover to overhear something. She also dresses up in a news reporter clothes and pretend. No one asks about about the vultures as Eraser once said. So that was the perfect cover.

Three: underground connections. She still has relations from her vigilante days and they were the most useful things she encountered a few months after her popularity there skyrocketed. The people there only know that Aiya or Empathy (named after her quirk) works for Reporta, as several people do (or so she claims). So that was also the perfect cover.

Four: her quirk. Her quirk is called Empathy (she didnt know what else to name her vigilante name (curse her teenage self). she could feel and manipulate a human beings emotions. Her dad tried to convince her of being a therapist like him, but she didnt want to fix peoples problems, she wanted to create them. And if that made her mom laugh so hard she couldnt breathe, then that was her dads fault for thinking a problematic child like Aiya could follow in his footsteps.

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