Chapter Three

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Author's Note:

I am alive. And Im here. Ahah. Hi.

So I wanna say sorry for disappearing but until I have my shit together, I might post things at random times. Could be two days in a row, could be two weeks away from now. Blease bear with me.




It was decided. Though she didn't know if that was enough for her. Still, she held on for their future.


Society was fucked up. It was fucked up long before the existence of quirks. At first, quirked people were perceived as freaks, monsters. Then half the population had quirks and the other half was quirkless. It was difficult for a few years but humans learned to live together despite the discrimination over newfound so called villainous and useless quirks. Then eighty percent of the population was quirked and the other twenty percent wasnt.

People with seemingly villainous quirks were treated like dirt. Which is ridiculous as all quirks could be used for villainy. The same goes for weak or useless quirks. Many kids and adults alike were seen as a different species and also looked at like a monster.

Quirked animals were quick to follow the percentage, but due to their rarity and uniqueness, animals were often taken to labs to be experimented on. Much like Nedzu himself.

Quirks are known to show how powerful people are. In the mind of society, it is the quirk that makes the person, not the person that makes the quirk.

Quirks are seen as a sign of acceptance. A sign of belonging. And that didnt translate well for the quirkless.

In Japan, quirkless people were a minority as they belonged to an older generation. Even more so, quirkless kids were rare, and if there were any kids then they often committed suicide at a young age due to being abused by their parents or by society in general. They, more often than not, end up in an orphanage and still get treated poorly.

The Hero Public Safety Commission doesnt help, and Nedzu knows that. Lucky for him, the UA board finally accepted to let quirkless kids in the school. Not that it stopped the HPSC from trying to reject them. It didnt work because they were afraid of Nedzu and UA was an HPSC free place.

That also didnt stop people from seeing kids with flashy quirks as heroes. They automatically assumed that they were the best, as they have been raised to think.

Kids with flashy quirks thought they had an instant ticket to the hero course.

Kids with flashy quirks thought they were above everyone else. That they were the best of the best.

Kids with flashy quirks like Bakugou bullied their way into a hero school and were never caught due to their teachers who hid the real records.

Even thought not all of them get caught, a few did and one of them was Bakugou. From what Nedzu read and saw on Reportas post, Midoriya was one of Bakugous victims. It wasnt that hard to figure it out, with a few rather illegal ways.

Almost all perf-quirked kids grew up expecting to be the best. Nedzu would know, he wasnt the principle of a prestigious school for nothing.

The almost-rodent thought back to the blond; he really should have been more attentive to his students and realize that the relationship was not a simple rivalry. Even if Bakugou can be helped with transferring out of the hero course and with anger management and therapy; the public wont have it.

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