Chapter 30

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Andrew's POV

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Andrew's POV

"Wake up!" I heard a voice say while nudging my body. Which made me turn with an annoyed huff. "I need to go to the office and chances are it's probably not gonna be short." My father spoke as my mind was slowly waking up. "Which is why I need you to keep Leah busy," What? My eyes shot open at the sentence. "Take her shopping or any other place."

"Dad, she doesn't need me to do that stuff." I responded which resulted in a look I know too well. "Fine, I'll keep her occupied," I said in defeat as I collapsed back on my bed.

"Great. Now get up because it's already eight." I shoved my head even further into the pillow.

This is going to be fun.


"Do you like my ring?" Leah asked as we pulled up to a red light.

"It's nice." I simply state not taking my eyes off the road in front of me.

"You didn't even look." She argues. I turned to see the ring thinking it was nothing big but was I proven wrong. "It's nothing big."

Nothing big? The thing displayed tinier diamonds around with and the bigger jewel in the middle.

"Do you not like it?" Now making me ask questions as I turn my attention back to the road right when the light turned green.

"I mean it could be nicer. What did he give your mom?"

That question made my mind jump to the past trying to remember the last time he ever gave my mom anything. He never got her anything even when it was her birthday. "Uh, I don't think she ever received one from him. He isn't the person to pass out nice things." I answered.

"Huh, that's sad but I think you're wrong about him." She replies. She thinks I'm wrong about the man I've known all my life. If only that was true.

"Why do you think that?" I asked as we drove to the next destination.

"Well, you said he doesn't pass out nice things which is wrong because he gives me stuff." She talked as I saw her staring at me from the side of my eyes.

"Maybe for you but you ask anyone else the same question the answer will be the same as the one I gave you," I told her and she just stays quiet until I blurt something that I've been thinking out. "Are with him because of the money?"


"Excuse me!" Hearing Leah's voice with an offended tone. "Do you think I'm a gold digger?"

"No of course not! I- uh... didn't mean to ask you that question." I stuttered as we pulled to the mall parking space. "I'm sorry if I offended you I didn't mean to," Which was true. The question just slipped out and now I'm an asshole.

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