You've Already Lost (Angst)

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(Continuation of the last Oneshot)

Meanwhile, at the lair...

Espresso Cookie's POV:

"Why am I here? I know you kidnapped me for a reason!" I yelled, Pomegranate Cookie payed no attention to me and scoffed.

"Easy, so that your clone can gather information for us! If the real Espresso is here and there was no replacement, they would've already been searching for you!"

I tried to destroy the chains that were keeping me hostage, but they were to strong. If I tried melting it, I'll only get stuck even more.

"Well, Madeleine knows me better than any other cookie and it seems the clone is much more happier and joyful then myself, I doubt that Madeleine wouldn't notice the change."

Pomegranate chuckled, "Even if he found out, I'm sure he would much prefer the Espresso that is currently in the kingdom, instead of the original Espresso, wouldn't he?"

I thought for a moment, Madeleine wanted me to be happy, to be social and to get breaks from work. My clone can do that but I can't. Maybe Pomegranate was right, he might prefer the other Espresso over me.

"You aren't that much of a use to us, even if you are powerful and skilled when it comes to coffee, you don't even want to cooperate, no matter what we say. So I suppose we shall execute you now!"

Madeleine Cookie's POV:

"I am asking you this one last time, where is the real Espresso Cookie?" I asked the clone. The clone laughed, "Even if I tell you where he is and what is going on, it's already too late!"

I smirked, "I suppose you really want your head to get sliced straight off, am I right?" I moved my sword closer to the clone's neck. He shivered a bit, "Fine. In the forest, there is this giant boulder that is blocking off the entrance of a cave. That is a shortcut to our lair, but just so you know, no one has been able to destroy that thing, ever!"

I scoffed, "Watch me." I said as I tied up the arms of the clone and dragged him to the cave.

Espresso Cookie's POV:

Pomegranate brought me over to the execution hall. There were all sorts of torture equipment, but she wasn't taking me there.

She took me to a separate part of the room. There was a very large pit of fire in the center. I suppose that was where I was going.

She tied me up to a rope and went somewhere else. I was directly above the fire and it was painful. I wasn't even near the raging flames and I could already feel the heat.

"Well, Espresso Cookie, this is the end for you! I doubt anyone will even come to your funeral! Your too much of a loner!" I didn't say anything back. She was right, and even if people did find out about my death, they would surely love the other Espresso more.

"Any last words?" Pomegranate asked, "I hope Madeleine will enjoy being with the other Espresso, I just hope he will be happy after all of this."

Pomegranate was surprised at my words but quickly acted like herself again, "Goodnight to you, Espresso Cookie!" she was about to cut the rope.

I closed my eyes, but there wasn't any impact at all. I opened them slowly to find Pomegranate on the ground, bleeding to death.

I looked over to the figure next to her and saw Madeleine, "Idiot! What are you doing here?!" I screamed as he was trying to untie me.

I got back to the ground and he hugged me, "Thank the Divine for keeping you safe!" I smiled and hugged back.

But, I felt a sharp pain in my back. I looked up at Madeleine and he was smiling. "Espresso! NOOO!" someone shouted out. I recognised that voice, it was Madeleine. But, he was right here. How is that possible?

I collapsed onto the ground. Pomegranate got up and cleaned something off of her. I remembered Madeleine fighting off the others but blacked out afterwards.

A few weeks later...

Madeleine Cookie's POV:

I picked up some flowers from the flower shop and walked over to my house. I opened the door and sighed, Espresso wasn't here.

I walked out to the backyard. There was a big tree in the center. Near the bottom of the tree, there was a grave. I went over and placed the flowers next to the grave.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you..."



It's officially Winter Break! My cousins are visiting me rn so I won't exactly be on Wattpad as often, but I'll try my best!

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