War Of AgoKhaaRaGi parts 5-8

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Extra 1 part 5

- the great war of AgoKhaaRaGi

We found him, thank the lord, we found him, after going through months of searching, we were forced to take cover after I had sustained blast damage, and we stumbled upon an entrance to a building that had been supposedly shut down, yet lights were on. Being the trooper I am, I took the pain, knowing my injured friend could still be alive, and in hiding. Me and Charles decided to go in, and a man who was lower-ranked than me had to come with us, we weren't too fond of each other, so we didn't speak much. We went inside the 'abandoned' building, to find a doctor's lab a floor down, we figured this was a possible place for Harold to be, but never checked due to it being shut down, we figured he had taken another secret route that was near here back to the home base, or he was taking it and found by someone, but this doctor's lab seemed much more feasible. We went inside and asked about this place to a strange guy who looked somewhere in his mid to late 40's, he was wearing no visible indication he was the doctor, but claimed he was. I asked him for help, which he knew was risky, seeing as we were military men, he helped anyways, claiming doctors heal people, and even though it was tough, the military were by definition, people. He did a great job healing me, my face kept a few scars, though it was a shame to break out in such scary masculinity, I had a great story to tell. He stitched me up good, but the one thing that remained loose and unstoppable, was his never ending lecture about my lungs, and how I'll die in only a few months, he offered me a special chemical that can supposedly do many things, including fully heal internal organs, to an almost immortal-like state. I took it, and in return told him that we were just looking for a lost friend, figured he could be here, the doctor instantly called in the other two, and I told the guys he was a miracle worker. The doctor seemed to lighten up, knowing we weren't bitter or harsh sounding when we asked if he knew where our missing friend was, and if he had any hand in helping him. The doctor looked a bit to the left before asking "eh, if you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you looking for him? Who was he really?", the fact that the doctor said this, drew Charles to tears, I don't understand him, but as he wiped a tear away from his eye, he said what most of us were thinking "he was a friend". The doctor looked back at us, and called for what could have been his wife? All I heard was footsteps, followed by "almost thereeee", it seemed to echo a bit, and did not sound like an older lady, more like a toddler, I was shocked when I saw her, she was so young, and was carrying a massive bucket filled with blood...end of part 5

Extra 1 Part 6

- the great war of AgoKhaaRaGi

I woke up again, middle of the night, the usual smell of blood came around as I knew what would happen next, I moved my head over to the bucket next to my bed, and like usual, I was empty, and only blood came out. The doctor mentioned this would happen, since my body's immune system is out of place thanks to the potion he had told me about, I was going to cough so much my esophagus would tear, and as he predicted, vomiting blood is a result of just that, he said I couldn't eat for a while, and his daughter would watch over me and notify him of any pressing matters, and that I should notify her immediately for any chest pains, even if the slightest pinch is felt. I wiped off my mouth, and stood up, I knew it wasn't polite of me to snoop around, but what else am I supposed to do? I decided to walk around a little, and found a very, very, very, very long hallway. I entered, and walked along it for almost an hour, the doctor had given me a watch, I assume it'd be a memento for when I was healed, to never forget my debt to him, I thought about all he's done throughout my walk, and then I looked up at the end of the hallway, where a big door was situated to take up the entire hallway's length. I looked it up and down for a way to open it, there was nothing, it was pretty much a block of steel with no discernable entry points, I wondered what to do for a while, my adventure seemed pretty pointless, so I started walking back. And then, I heard gunshots, screaming, and the doctor's voice in a tone I have never heard before. I ran....end of part 6

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