Answers: Somaschisto Soniman parts 5-8

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Extra 2 Part 5

- Answers: Somaschisto Soniman, and The Current Predicament

Dr Obscuro felt nothing but pain, burning throughout his entire body, inside and out, there was nothing like it, it was as if hell had been stuffed inside of him and is desperately trying to escape, Dr. Obscuro winced at the pain, he refused to scream, he had dreams, this was it, this was the tipping point, he is no longer a part of this world, Dr. Obscuro suddenly became drowsy, he saw shadowy figures all around him, they were laughing, and pointing, they told him how foolish he was, how trying to play god was like trying to take over a kingdom single handedly, Dr. Obscuro, now in a fit of rage, ran to one and slammed his fist into it's chest, the shadow disappeared, but the laughing doubled, he went to attack all the shadows surrounding him, while their laughter was getting louder and louder, his desperation was the greatest amusement they've gotten in a while "STOP! LAUGH!-ING!" with every syllable, he took out another shadow, until there was nothing left, the voices stopped, then the laughter stopped, then silence, he opened his eyes to see Frank standing in front of a broken machine, Dr. Obscuro realised he was still in the AGD-Room, and his own machine had been smashed. Frank looked pale, and was shaking a bit, Dr. Dashow looked at him "Frank...." "H-Hey..." "Frank, was it a success? You were infected, and disappeared" "Oh..." Frank looked down "Listen....It isn't a success...I've been here for 30 years, in case you haven't noticed, this is an exact replication of your lab, because we've created a black hole inside our minds, after examining myself, and the things inside this place, I've come to 3 points..." Dr. Obscuro looked down as well, thinking of his dreams being shattered, how he was a failure after all "point number 1, everything I think of becomes a reality, number 2, the inside of me, doesn't exist, the formula you've been using implodes on the user, and sucks everything in, but it can't breach the skin for some reason, be thankful we used needles, without them, the virus might not have been unstoppab-" "VIRUS!?" Dr. Obscuro looked very pale, shaking, trembling, he was unsure of what was happening, what has happened, and all he saw was what was going to happen, soon the force of the universe pulled him in the inside, a black hole was coming through his body, Frank saw Dr. Obscuro and knew it was happening "Dr. Obscuro, I need a sample of your blood, this is the only way, stay still" Dr. Obscuro stayed as still as he could while Frank picked up a needle, and jabbed his leg "sorry to do this, your left leg seems like the last thing to go, and I need as much blood as possible" "JUST HURRY" Dr. Obscuro was in immense pain, he knew he was surely going to die "and.. come onn, perfect, 12 ml, that's all I need" Frank immediately jabbed another needle into Dr. Obscuro's leg, and the pain stopped "Frank, I swear, why didn't you do that FIRST!?" "because now, you are officially dead" Dr. Obscuro looked shocked, "don't worry, technically, I'm dead too, all I did was slow your heartbeat, so now the virus has nothing to work with, or rather, it'll be pumped much slower into your body" Dr. Obscuro looked slightly relieved "oh..." "Now, let's make a fresh new parasite, one that can outdo and eliminate your deadly strain" so Dr. Obscuro and Frank Patriani went deeper into the shadow of the lab...End of part 5

Extra 2 Part 6

- Answers: Somaschisto Soniman, and The Current Predicament

It took me weeks, maybe even months to figure out a fraction of what frank had discovered, his calculations were so accurate and complex, it was nothing I would have ever thought of in a thousand years, but from what I understand, and what he's dumbed down for me, most of this is simply a way to get back into our own universe? Our own dimension? He doesn't know where we are, and it's likely that we aren't anywhere, it's also fair to say that we might've even stepped through the barrier to God's domain, Frank wasn't too optimistic about my thoughts. Frank then led me to a new room that seemed a little familiar, but was off limits "Listen, back when we were... Alive you could say, you had this door off limits to everybody, and I think now that you know the basics of my knowledge, I can ask you this question. Who do you think messed with the AGD room?" "I figured it must have been you, you weren't around anywhere, so I assumed you went in and died... If I remember that correctly... The door was slightly ajar" Frank smirked, "exactly. Now, take a look at this room's door, this is the AGD room, and it's made from my memories" Dr. Obscuro examined the door "yup, couldn't mistake it, this grade A Lead door is no doubt our AGD room" Frank waited a minute as Dr. Obscuro looked at Frank hopelessly "I.. uh.. this IS the AGD room....right?" Frank sighed "Doctor, this is my memory, this door was the last thing I saw, and it's closed" Dr. Obscuro looked shocked "b-but wait... you... it couldn't have been that short... unless..." Dr. Obscuro just realised what had happened, Frank was killed before he got infected, meaning whoever killed frank, messed with the hose in the AGD room... "Frank, you were killed before you got infected..." Frank adjusted his glasses "ding ding ding, guess how long it took me to figure that one out" Dr. Obscuro soon realised what this meant, it WAS sabotage, and that means that the city government knew about it... and one of his most trusted researchers was a double agent... and...and... Frank noticed tears welling up in Dr. Obscuro's eyes "Listen doctor, I have a confession to make, I have never once opened this door, and based on my calculations, and all of my research of how to get out, it is safe to say the answer MIGHT be on the other side of this door, but first, we need to complete a plan, we have the materials needed for our parasite, actual specimen, if we could only find a host to begin it, we could finish all of this blasphemy, no more virus, no more city, and definitely no more death" Dr. Obscuro had been listening, but the thoughts he had kept eating away at him with it's never ending hunger. "You know Frank... we are scientists... this is science... mad science, but science nonetheless... it's all we have now... the beginning and the end, I am the beginning, you are the end." Frank had figured out what the doctor was so worried about "no, WE are the end, we will end them, trust me, now, we need to figure out where to put our 'antidote' of sorts" Dr. Obscuro was way ahead of him "where nobody will ever look..." The doctor ran down the hallway towards the lab, to pick up the end of the end of the world...End of part 6

Extra 2 Part 7

- Answers: Somaschisto Soniman, and The Current Predicament

With my brain, and Frank's knowledge of the "dead zone" as we've started calling it, we were able to slap together a machine that, in it's most basic form, explodes. In other words, we had created a bomb powerful enough to implode on itself, and through doing this, creating a wormhole. As Frank had said numerous times, the wormhole will mess everything up from time, to space, to every atomic particle in the universe, but, death is a mighty foe, and one nobody wants to lose to. We had gotten the bomb and left to the AGD room "man, can't believe we're doing this, you DO realise the minute we go back, we will be assaulted with superfast time?" "remind me again why that makes sense" Frank laughed "Science! Doctor, mad science." "exactly Frank, that's why we're dying for it, now then, you ready to hear what I've come up with in terms of a plan for the parasite?" Frank looked a little curious, but had an idea of what the doctor planned to do "go ahead doc, spill the beans" "well, I've done the calculations, and as you and I know, when we go back, stuff gets weird, and we die in a matter of seconds" "yes, yes, simple, go on" "well, since we will be there for a few seconds, and time will be superfast, if we multiply our time there, 4.6 seconds, by the speed at which time goes" "six thousand two hundred and three times the normal speed. That means we'll have 28,533 seconds, translated to it's highest point, it means we get just below 8 hours, approx. 475 minutes" "and if my calculations are correct, which they usually are, my son will be getting out of school a few hours before I arrive, giving me plenty of time to give him the pills" "interesting, time is a very large problem, but with 8 hours, school isn't much of a problem. My main concern is the fact that they are pills, why not make it airborne?" "trust me, this is fine, now set off the bomb, our plan is in motion and there's no need to waste more time here."

Extra 2 Part 8

- Answers: Somaschisto Soniman, and The Current Predicament

We set off the bomb, whether we lived or died didn't matter, we were inside of the same box that schrodingers cat was in, question is, would anybody be able to observe us? We felt the massive force come from the collapse of everything we ever knew, it was hard to explain, but after counting to sixty 12 times, we were slowing down, meaning we were almost at a point where we could have our last moments on earth, our last moments in all of existence. I tried looking over at Frank, but my body wouldn't move, oddly enough, I was able to see Frank, he was pale and stretched out in some unhuman form. I feared the worst, that we would be unable to get out of this alive, or even if our makeshift wormhole would work... still, I clenched my fists and closed my eyes.... 55... 56.... 57.. 57 seconds, then I was on earth, time was broken for sure, and something completely unexpected had happened, I could not see anything, just a plain white light everywhere... had I failed? no... it couldn't have, me and Frank were the smartest people in the universe no doubt, the smartest humans anyway, yet why am I unable to see? "ohheyhoney,howdidworkgo?" it took me half a second to recognise that voice, my wife, she seemed unsurprised to see me, it didn't make much sense and her words were hardly words, they were just a high pitched noise at this speed "Iheardyougotshutdown,whatsthatabout?Ifigurewithoutyourjobwecan'tgetenoughmoney,seeingasIdon'tworkan..." it was a task to understand one word, but she kept on going "listen, I don't feel well, and I need to know where cash is" "heshouldstillbeatschoolIjustfinisheddoingthedishesheshouldbeherein5minutes" I had been counting the seconds, it'd been 1.6 seconds, meaning I had plenty of time to lie down, get my son to take the pills and act as if I had a heart attack, dying for good. It was a struggle, but 0.2 seconds later, my son came in, and at the speed he usually is, it was tough getting him in one place "CASH! We need you downstairs" "comingjustgivemeaminute" he was down in an instant. I gave him the pills "We got an antibody check today, and these pills were made specifically for you, it's to help with your growth, and prevent all disease, we would have loved to test it on myself, but time is of the essence, and we believe it would be best suited for you" 3 seconds were up, I had little time left "okdad,soundsweirdbutI'lltakethem,bythewaydidyougetfiredtoday?momtoldmeaboutit" I had a throbbing headache, this was it, I gave up and collapsed, 4.4....4.5...this ends my life, in my final moments, time stopped and I had a vision, everything would end up perfectly in the end, with my son living a long life with his wife and having a beautiful child...they even named him after me, how cute...I am ready to die, I wondered where Frank was, and what he did in his final moments, but that didn't matter, none of it matters anymore, the virus will be stopped, thanks to my son and the spread of the parasite, soon everyone will be immune to the death that awaits...this was it 4.6 seconds, almost 8 hours in the span of a few seconds...I imagine my brain will die out now, thankfully, nobody will ever figure out my cause of death and it'll be passed off as an old man who had a heart attack....47 years...I hope it was enough for a lifetime...and... now death, knowing I saved the world, I can die... End of the virus

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