scene 1

56 0 1

Setting:school bathroom

"Fuck me Isaiah" said David while Isaiah was tarnishing his insides rapidly
This was the peak of isiah and David relationship

1 week before

"Watch where your going lil boy" isiah said to  Luis while looking at him thinking about the things he would do in bed "ok class we are gonna be learning about..." damian interrupts moaning "damian stop being so fucking gay" Mr green states
While the teacher and damian argued for a while  damian saying stupid shit Mr green pointing it out Damaris being blind as shit David was looking at Isaiahs pretty luscious hair all the while,the two knew it would work out it's just the two wanted to stay friends cause they both knew that it was gonna be too good for the world to see,meanwhile Omar's mind *blank as paper* bell *rings*.
Alright class remember we learn about johny sins in social justice in like 2 days
The two heroes of the story,Isaiah and David met at the corridor they both skipped the lunch line and just went to the tent
"Shall we go to the tent my love" Isaiah thought in his mind but knowing that people were listening he kept it in his mind while they passed the bathroom both thinking how much they wanted to do it but didn't have the time to get protection so they wouldn't catch the aids going around once they got to the tent they saw elias "today's subject slavery" elias said "if he says that again I'm gonna kiss the homies" Ethan thought knowing elias says that Line every 5 seconds at the other table finn was showing everyone a guy having sex with a oversized goldfish "this school isn't what it used to be all these retards are around" David whispered "I like it when you whisper its so hot UwU" isiah said

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