love buzz

27 0 1

Time:Next day
Place:school campus

"Hey david your never here this early" Isaiah said,"I could say the same for you Isaiah" David said,even though they had been friends for years they were still nervous near eachother cause of they're unspoken chemistry they walked  to the tent where they saw elias saying the same things he says every other day *no offense*, Kayla trying to convince Aleena to fuck, all of the classic things that happen there *bell rings* once Isaiah got to class he looked in the garbage and saw a strange liquid "someone probably snuck milk into the class"he thought some other kids noticed it too,once David sat down the teacher started speaking of things that David knew he probably would never understand in the class people were doing they're usual things they do damian was looking at people's screens even though thats weird
Damaris still being blind had no Idea what was going on and esteban was talking to johny for the 500th time all the while Isaiah was thinking about banging people in the class especially........omar

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