014 - Embarassing

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"Eat well, you need to recover" CEO Kim said as I smiled at him, awkwardly

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"Eat well, you need to recover" CEO Kim said as I smiled at him, awkwardly. There's this dish decorated beautifully with colourful vegetables - Yes! He's making me eat a fucking salad. Raw celery, avocado, cucumber, tomatoes and shallots - even the sight of these makes me want to puke. And if that wasn't sufficient, the beet juice makes everything even worse.

"Y-yah" I responded hesitatedly and fiddled with the fork at first, then engrossed a juicy tomato peice with it and gulped it. It tastes just fine, even though I know my taste buds are lingering for something delicious, it's all right to suffer one day.

"You're gonna take 100 days to finish with that speed" he said in a demanding tone as I closed my eyes tight and drank the beet juice fast, atleast half of it. It tastes so bad.

I continued and still haven't finished, it's been more than 30 minutes. "Either you eat it quick, or I feed you" he said as I groaned. "C-can I have rice?" I asked as he declined.

"You'll recover faster by eating these. Soup tomorrow morning, following a small salad and a glass of warm milk. For Lunch, it's going to be either porridge or some dish, for evening you can have bread and at night, it's going to be another variety of salad. Follow this atleast for the following 3 days and you'll be absolutely fine".

That's the most depressing meal schedule I've ever seen. Im not a person who's fond of junk but I do not really eat salads and stuff, my mother's recipes are healthy and delicious enough.

"I'm full" I said hesitatedly. I'm hungry but I'd rather starve than eating this dry meal. "Open your mouth" he said placing the fork on my mouth as I stared at him blankly. How do I escape from here?


My stomach growled, I've not been able to sleep even though I'm trying. He even took my phone away, saying that I need to get a good sleep and not waste my time and energy on this gadget.

I instantly threw my blanket away, jumped out of my bed. It's the time to fulfill my stomach's demand. With that in my mind, I quietly came out of my room. Tip toed I travelled to the vast kitchen, I'd love to cook here.

I opened the fridge in search of literally anything but not raw veggies. There are so many stacks in, I looked at the lower shelf. There's this huge box kept next to these colourful cupcakes. I'd love to have these. I opened the box, only to fulfill my curiousity. There's a huge cake in. A red velvet cake, beautifully decorated with choclate chips and sprinklers. It looks so appetizing, maybe because I'm hungry but it doesn't matter as long as it tastes good.

I know I shouldn't really taste it, but it's hard to resist. Afterall it's his fault for making me starve. "Waah" This sound came from my mouth on its when I slowly and carefully took the box out. "You shouldn't be eating this" I heard a voice as I nodded. "Ah Yes, Yes, I shouldn't. But he'll never know. Bakery items are very good for recov-" I turned around and found a dark pair of eyes staring at me.

"Ah-Haha, It's f-for..you" I said hesitantly, smiling awkwardly. "You're not good at lying Secretary Kim" His tone was firm and confident. I really am scared at this point. "This won't do it. Either you follow the rules or I'll put you infront of my eyes 24 by 7, It's upto you" he said as I gulped on my saliva.

"I-I was really hungry, this won't happen again" I said as my plump lips formed into a pout, I looked down sadly as my fingers fidgeted with each other. I hope he melts with this super-cute-yet-cringey trick. He should be generous and let me eat, atleast a bite if not much.

"Are you done? You can have an apple if you want" He said as I groaned, leaving the kitchen away. I'll have to be more careful next time. It's the right time to show my meticulous planning strategies.


Taehyung's POV

Seokjin left just now. I let out my breath and slapped my face with my hand, "Cute" I muttered. My cheeks were all red, lips smiling wide and my heart can not stop racing. What is he even doing to me?


"Is he awake?" I asked one of my maids. I'm sitting in the office, it's 10 a.m. right now, quite late. "No Sir" he responded as I closed my file. The doctor, as per said by Soobin, told that he should be exercising and try to be active. But him sleeping for such long hours won't do it.

I left my cabin as Namjoon and the other bowed at me. I used the elevator and quickly reached the floor. "Secretary Kim, wake up" I said banging on the door.

"Secretary Kim, can you hear me?" I asked a few questions but did not get any response. Has he locked the door? I tried pushing it and it opened. Such a careless person he is.

"Wake Up" I said gazing at the beautiful yet messy sight. I've always thought of him as the most disciplined and organized person. But here he is, blanket on the floor, pillows in the corner. He is sleeping in a fetal position, his knees upto his chest, his shirt uncovering his waist.

Secretary Kim's waist is so petite and dainty, no wonder he looks so sexy in suits. I didn't even realise for how long I had been staring at him.

"Sh-wefuhw" he blabbered something while shifting his posting as his shirt moved up, exposing his waist even more. I've noticed this thing just now, Secretary Kim is just so flawless.

My phone rang as Secretary Kim opened his eyes, looking around the room. He slowly came into a sitting position rubbing his eyes as I declined the call.

"Y-You are awake. G-good" I said to him as I moved out, I'm just so flustered for nothing.


An okayish update but I like it <3

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