attic and mirror

12 1 1

-Unknown POV

On a car drive on a new town in Georgia one of the USA's great states a town called Astreia is expecting new faces. A mother and her daughter are going there.Why may you ask? well this young lady may tell you.


-Eli POV

Moving to a new town isn't easy especially if your parents just got divorced and 4 of your siblings aren't with you. Too much information about my life? well no, I'm Celiana Rousette C Ramirez a 16 year old- wait. No, I'm probably not gonna be a Ramirez anymore soon so maybe Meliton. Okay, back to the topic my parents just got divorced. My siblings Charles the oldest, Catharine and Cole after me, and Candice the youngest ended up with dad. The court agreed that my parents shared custody of us we just had to pick who we wanted to come with, and Charles did dibs on dad then the twins, then Candace. Catharine and Cole were supposed to be with mom but they made it earlier to dad than me and I didn't want mom to be lonely. So here I am moving to a new town with mom.

Let's start with Charles he's 19. Catharine and Cole are 15. Oh, and Cole is 10 minutes older than Catharine but she bosses him around. And Candice is 11 she's our family's pride and joy.

Enough about my family. We're moving to a town called Astreia in the state of Georgia. Everything is not perfect. You know usually the story starts with the new girl moving to a new town either being a bitch or someone that needs to be protected, then they meet prince charming or the love of their lives, you know like bella swan but I'm not bella. Sure, Georgia is a great state, great weather, great food, great culture, maybe even great beaches. But you know it's just awkward no friends not that i had many friends in my old town but what's worst is we're gonna live in my mom's aunt's house meaning my other grandmother who was kinda weird but she was kind. She passed away 2 months ago and she left a lot for us. For my mom, me and my siblings, And that house is my mom's property now. Not that we're poor my mom is quite rich you know she owns 6 boutiques which are all very popular in those very towns but she is also an office worker and she makes lots of money but she wanted for us to live in that house because she wanted good old memories to remember

"We're here honey" mom said as she unbuckled from her seat. The house is big if I'm being honest. 3 stories but not too wide and it has an attic and it also has a freaking basement, a garden, and a garage. Damn, i thought this was gonna be a shitty excuse for a house but damn that thing could pass for a mini mansion. I mean why does it have a freaking gazebo and a swing. Heck, we are living in the 19th century victorian house. Im so definitely getting the attic as my room no question asked.

As we got out of the car I could really see what an amazing house it is. Taking out our bags from the trunk I saw a figure there. I don't know if it's my imagination but I wanna be there but at the same time no. Why would I wanna be there, what if there's someone else there. Chills run up my spine

"Mom, how many years has it been since someone lived her...??? haha?"
I asked. "Honey I don't know. It's been quite a lot of years since someone lived here. As you know your aunt died at a home." Mom answered.

The house is really dusty. Actually, dusty is an understatement it's more of a big space of mess. Thankfully, the lights work. "Mom, I'm going up to my room" I said and quickly run upstairs.

I plop down my bags to the floor. It's been a really exhausting day. I was just in the car, sitting but it felt like I've been doing God's work trying to keep my mom awake and preventing us from appearing on the news. Headlines: Mother and Daughter car crashed into a ditch, I can already imagine that headline.

The attic was surprisingly better than the mess downstairs. I laid down the bed and it felt heavenly. My eyelids began to close. As it was closing I noticed a gold mirror embedded on of the walls of the attic. "Hhmm weird... Why's there a mirror there" I yawned
"Whatever it's just an attic and a mirror" after I said that I drifted into a peaceful slumber....

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