Chapter 1: August 1964

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Andromeda was just about to leave the garden as she heard a squeaky noise from the old shed her father doesn't use anymore. Curiously she peaked her head inside, they weren't actually allowed in the shed, and she saw where the noise came from. In an old box there were two kittens, one as white as fresh snow and the other deep black, curled up in a fur-ball to keep them from freezing.

"Cissy look!" Andromeda whispered. "Andy we aren't allowed in the shed, what are you doing!" Narcissa hissed back, but came looking anyway. Andromeda saw how the eyes of her younger sister lightened up with joy. "Do you think we can keep them?" she asked. "Father won't allow it for sure, but maybe if we ask mother."

Andromeda went inside to get a blanket from her room, she really wanted to keep the kitten, she would show her parents how responsible she really is. Carefully Andromeda put them in the blanket and brought them inside. For a moment she thought about just sneaking them into her and Narcissa's room, but she figured that her parents would find out soon and that there wouldn't be a way to hide them for going to hogwarts.

So she headed into the attic where her mother was talking to the painter who was going to paint their family portrait later. "Andromeda darling I thought I told you and your sisters to stay out of the attic until I get you to dress up" Druella said without looking at her daughter. "I know but look what I found in the-" she was just about to finish when she remembered that her mother especially hated the idea of the girls playing in the shed, "garden, aren't they adorable?" She finished her sentence. Now Druella and the painter looked over to her. "Andromeda!" her mother gasped "How dare you bring that thing into the house, they could be dirty or sick!" Andromeda put on her best puppy face. "But mother I promise me and Cissa are gonna take care of them, I can take one with me to hogwarts. I'm a big girl now, please." she begged her mom.

For a moment Druella thought about it and finally answered "Okay you can keep them, but only if you promise to keep them in your rooms. I don't want them ruining my furniture. And now go get your sisters you need to get ready for the painting." Andromeda ran in her room to put down the kittens and then went to get Narcissa and Bellatrix. Narcissa was delighted to hear that they could keep the cats.

"Bellatrix your hair really is unmanageable" Druella sighed while trying to get her hair to look presentable. Meanwhile Andromeda was trying to put on her dress by herself, but couldn't get the zipper up. "Wait Andy I'll help you" Narcissa took a small box lying around to get up to her sister and closed Andromeda's dress. "Mum, can I wear some of your makeup?" Narcissa asked, but her mother only shook her head. "No darling you two are still too little for makeup, Bellatrix is a young woman now, so she can if she pleases" Narcissa tried to convince Druella to let her wear makeup on every special occasion, but it never worked. Andromeda wondered if Narcissa would ever stop but she's gotten used to it.

"Mum, I think my dress is too small" Narcissa complained as she couldn't get her dress to close. "Well that's because you eat so much, if you keep doing that you're going to end up like aunt Walburga" Druella constantly criticised her daughters regarding their weight. Narcissa looked down at the floor while her mother tried squeezing her into the dress. "It just won't fit. Wait here Narcissa I'm going to get the other dress alright" and Druella went upstairs.

"Andy, do you think I'm fat?" Narcissa asked, looking on the floor. For a moment Andromeda was shocked that her younger sister would ask such a question. "Of course not, actually I think you are the prettiest of us all." she answered. "But why does mother keep saying things like that to me?" "Well because adults are . . . complicated. Sometimes they say things they don't actually want to say, or they say something but it comes out wrong." Andromeda tried to cheer her up, but Narcissa still looked upset. "Oh Cissy, you know that mum loves you. You look exactly like her, I bet she likes you the most" Bellatrix, who'd been quietly listening to the conversation stated.

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