Chapter three: November 1964

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Just as Andromeda stood up from the breakfast table she heard a few Slytherin girls from her year were snickering about something. "Imagine not having a single friend after two months," Menorah Blackwell, a girl that Andromeda shared her dorm with, said extra loudly so Andromeda would be able to hear her.

She wasn't lying, Andromeda really didn't have a friend yet. She started to wonder if she'd ever find a real friend. But before she was able to conclude that thought she realized that she was late for potions class. Why'd it have to be potions? Her teacher already didn't really like her, it seemed.

Andromeda quickly ran up to her dorm where Ralph was lying on her bed. He meowed a few times to get her attention, but Andromeda was busy trying to find her tie. "Shit on a stick where the bloody hell is it?" Andromeda yelled in her anger, but immediately snapped back. She wasn't allowed to cuss at home. Because Ralph wouldn't stop meowing Andromeda looked in his direction. Ralph started playing with her tie that she'd been looking for the last ten minutes. "There it is!" she exclaimed and ran to the classroom. At this point running seemed kinda pointless because she was already far too late. As she was running up the stairs to the potions room she tripped which almost led to her falling down the shifting stairs. "Who the hell thought moving staircases was a good idea for a school," Andromeda muttered while waiting for the stairs to move to her corridor.

She was just running past the door of the girls' bathroom when she bumped into someone. "Ouch!" Andromeda exclaimed loudly as she was getting up. "Oh my god. I am so sorry! I should've looked where I was going," a Hufflepuff girl apologized deeply to Andromeda. "Oh no it's my bad I shouldn't have been running through the corridor, but I am late for potions," ANdromeda laughed it off. "Wait, me too," the other girl laughed. "Well we better hurry now," Andromeda said.

As expected the potions professor wasn't delighted about Andromeda being late again, he made a rude joke about how she doesn't fit in with his perception of blacks. Andromeda was offended, she hated being reduced to her family, but she swallowed her pride and sat down.

A few people were giggling about the joke the professor made. Andromeda tried to ignore it even though it made her feel miserable. She had to stand above it, she was a Black and part of the sacred twenty eight.

Bellatrix had told her about people that wouldn't like her, but she didn't think it would be that bad. People were whispering about her in the halls, a Gryffindor boy even spat on her once. She was mocked for getting questions wrong or zoning out in class. She always thought that Hogwarts would be heaven on earth, but now she's seeing the bitter truth.

"Are you sure you're not adopted," a girl behind her whispered to Andromeda. "Oh I bet she is. I mean she doesn't even look like either of her parents," Menorah laughed.

"Shut up, Blackwell," Andromeda hissed back. "Ohhh now I'm scared," Menorah mocked her. Andromeda was furious at this point, she hoped that they would stop soon. "What is it Black? You ran out of arguments or are you trying to comprehend the fact that no one likes you?" This was Andromeda's last straw. "If you don't shut your bloody mouth right now I am gonna break your ugly nose so that not even madame Pomfrey could help it!" Andromeda yelled in her anger not realizing how loud she was talking. "Andromeda Black, threatening another student and interrupting the lesson while you're already late? Ten points from Slytherin and I'll see you in detention on friday." The professor said.

"But she was talking bad about -" she tried defending herself but was cut off by the professor. "Enough," "But . . ." "Ms. Black out of the classroom, NOW."

Andromeda stood up and left the room. She was fed up with everyone. For the rest of the lesson she sat in front of the door of the classroom and got lost in her thoughts. Detention. It was just then where she realized that she had gotten her first detention. Oh no, what if they told her parents. Mother would be furious, she promised to behave. She couldn't come home for Christmas, they'd despise her. It was the longest twenty five minutes of Andromeda's life, but eventually the door opened and everyone left for the next class. Most students didn't acknowledge Andromeda at all, others gave her dirty looks. Menorah and her friends were laughing at her. "Oh I'm gonna break your nose mimimi," Menorah giggled as she was walking past her.

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