Chapter two: Septemer 1964

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Andromeda was barely able to sleep that night because she was so nervous about going to Hogwarts for the first time. The evening before her parents lectured her about everything she needed to know for her time at Hogwarts and all the rules.

"You are part of the noble and most ancient house of black, you are to carry on a legacy of purity. Don't you ever dare to speak with any mudbloods or blood traitors! You understand me?"

"Yes father, toujours pur"

"Toujours pure"

Andromeda recalls the talk she had with her father last night "toujours pur" she whispered to herself. She would never want to disappoint her father. No she wouldn't. Never.

She fell asleep for a few hours before Dolly woke her up. "Miss Andromeda you have to get up now, you mustn't be late for the train," Dolly told her. Finally she got up, even though she wanted to stay in bed, because she felt terribly sick to her stomach. "Oh no, Miss Andromeda you're just nervous about today," the elf comforted her.

She stood up and got dressed. The morning went by very quickly, she couldn't believe it when she got Ralph in his little cat box with a blanket to keep him comfortable. Of course she had to go say goodbye to Cindy and Narcissa. "Why do you have to go already?" Narcissa asked. "Because I don't wanna miss the train in my first year Cissy," Andromeda answered, giving her little sister a hug. "But I'm going to miss you, I'll die of boredom!" Cissa complained. "Don't worry I'll be back for christmas, I'll be back before you know it. I promise," in that moment Druella came in and told her to hurry up, because they'd leave soon.

They went downstairs where Bellatrix and Cygnus were already waiting.

They apperated to platform nine three quarters where the train was already standing.

There were a whole bunch of people. Parents hugging their children goodbye, little kids crying, because their siblings were leaving, students goofing around with their friends. Andromeda was almost frightened, there were so many strangers. Generally, Andromeda was shy. Above that the sisters weren't used to meeting a lot of people, and even if they were related to them most of the time. Andromeda was clinging on to her mothers hand who shook her off and scoffed. "Stop being a baby, Andromeda darling" she almost seemed embarrassed. "The train will leave in a few minutes, you will find a lot of friends in Hogwarts, trust me," Druella leaned down to her daughter and gave her a short hug. Andromeda wasn't used to gentle handling from her parents but still enjoyed it. Lastly she pulled Narcissa in a tight hug once more then her and Belltrix took their stuff and went on the train.

Andromeda followed her sister through the train until Bellatrix turned around and scoffed at her sister. "You don't think you're going with me do you?" Bellatrix asked. "Well I thought that you could help me find friends," Andromeda admitted shyly. Her older sister laughed at her in a mean way, which hurt Andromeda. "You're a baby Andy, I don't want you hanging out with my friends," Bellatrix hissed and Andromeda turned around.

She was fighting tears when she sat into an empty compartment and petted Ralph. A few minutes later the door of the compartment opened and Andromeda wiped the few tears on her cheek aways as fast as possible. "I'm sorry, can I sit here?" a young boy with blonde hair asked. He seemed to be just as lost as Andromeda was. She thought that she could make a friend and nodded. She was really hoping that he didn't notice that she'd been crying earlier.

"First year too?" he asked after he got comfortable. Andromeda nodded again with a smile. "You know what house you'll be in?" Andromeda asked in return. "No not really, I'm muggleborn you see so I'm not really familiar," Andromeda's heart skipped a beat. "Don't you ever dare to talk to a mudblood!" she recalled her fathers words. A real mudblood. She couldn't believe it. She thought about talking to him. "You are to carry on a legacy of purity" her fathers words were stuck in her head. The boy was looking at her weirdly. She didn't want to seem rude or make him feel bad but she didn't know what to say. "Toujours pur'' She decided to do what was expected of her. "Well, I'll be in Slytherin," she stated then she slid over to the other side of the compartment. From that moment on they didn't talk a word for the rest of the ride.

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