Roy, Honeybee's father

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Roy Honey

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Roy Honey

Age: 42

Height: 9'1

Likes: coffee, his family, dogs, books, sweets, and sports

Dislikes: everyone, cats, DAMIEN

Roy is the father of Honeybee who he loves dearly. Honeybee is a daddy's girl even though she hang out with her mother, her father is what makes her feel confident and due to the fact that most of her childhood when her mother needs to do something, her father would always take her anyway to have a father-daughter- date, to this day they still do that despite Honeybee moved away from her family (which upset Roy so much that for 2 weeks Bumblebee caught him being in Honeybee's old room just sitting on her bed with one of her plushies that he got for her when she was a child). Roy is extremely overprotective of her due to her only being his child and since she is much smaller than him (he's 9'1, fucker is huge) he feels the need to be protective over her. That doesn't mean he won't teach her how to defend herself, he is a total teddy bear to her and his wife but a nightmare for anyone else. He also HATES a certain butterfly hybrid who would not get the hint that his daughter doesn't want him.

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