Barry 🥺🥺🥺

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I woke up in my swamp and heard someone out side my door i put on A robe and put my epic very very very very very long pink hair into a bun and opened the door to see THE BARRY BEE BENSON infron of my eyes the thing is i rly like Barry he has been my crush for 50 years now and there he was infront of me on my door step i said "hiiiii 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 UwU. What do you need?" Then Barry said "SHREK IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU AND FINALY FOUND YOU🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😣😣😣😖😖😖😖😣😣😣🥺🥺🥺🥺!!!" I couldn't belive my crush has been looking for lil ol me 😩😩😩 "would you like to come inside?" i asked him and then at that very moment "Sweety wake up time for school!" It was my mom 😡😡😡 i hated my mom she would always wake me up when i had my dreams about Barry and then would make me the food i hated the most butterfly soup with toe jam 😒😒😒 i got up and got dressed into my school girl outfit that was too small for me and let my very very very very very very very long pink hair down. mom made me something actually good this morning it was onions with a side of eyeballs they were my favorite "OMG SWEETY I GAVE YOU YOUR FATHERS FOOD!!!" Said my mom "UGGGHH WHY DO YOU GIVE DAD THE GOOD FOOD YOU KNOW WHAT THATS IT IM JUST GOING TO SCHOOL😡😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬!!" I said full of anger

True Love ~ Shrek x Barry Bee Benson X ShaggyWhere stories live. Discover now